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Adhene: Referred to as fallen angels but no one knows where they come from. Not considered humans or eructa but they abide to eructa rules and go along with the witches since they have magical features. They look like humans except very beautiful and have slightly above average physical capabilities and can teleport. They only feed if injured and need regeneration which they can use holy water or any food but meat. They can be killed normally.

Alpha: A leader werewolf that has greater power than a regular werewolf. Only alphas can rule a pack. Werewolves can either be born an alpha or become one by challenging an alpha and winning.

Archdaemons: A special race of demons that rule the Daemon Family. They are the most powerful demons and have red eyes.

Avori: Vampires that are born vampires. Female avori can give birth to a vampire or half-breed with or without a male avori. Avori age until their twenty-fifth year of life and then remain immortal.

Banshee: Creatures that can change into human appearance. They are from the Shifter family. Their skin is pale and hair is white in true appearance. They eat souls/life forces of creatures. It's passed genetically. It's young change from birth and are mortal with a lifespan of 200-300 years. Water is poisonous to them. They are killed by cutting off their hands or drowning them. They smell like mint.

Birth Tone: The emotion that is predicted to rule over a reaper's or wraith's life. When they are born, their birth tone is predicted and they are named after it, to remind themselves of the emotion and to either embrace it or fight it.

Black Altar: Sacred space with ingredients and/or objects needed to keep some black magic spells active. If disturbed, the spell will be broken.

Blood Bond: When two vampires drink from each other at the same time, it creates a permanent blood connection until one of the vampires die. It's the vampire form of mating.

Blood connection: When a vampire drinks from anyone, they share a connection with them until they drink from someone else or they die. The connection allows the vampire to feel their partner's feelings, location, and needs.

Bloodhunger: Absolute blood thirst. Vampire has gone too long without blood and as bloodhunger grows; senses heighten, strength increases, lose control of mind, and lose self-control.

Bohg: Vampires that feed off of creatures' breath instead of blood and have smaller fangs.

Boss: A group of haunts who rule over the Haunt Family, each representing one of the species; Grimm Reaper, Bleek Ghoul, Dyer Wraith, and Grewsum Ghost.

Caria: Demon policemen and women.

Council: A body made up of representatives from the Overseers, the Coven Prime, the First Pack, the Boss, and the Archdaemons that rules over all the eructa in the world.

Coven Prime: A group of very talented and well-respected witches that rule over the Witch Family. No hirgs are allowed to join.

Daemon family: Made up of demons. Their symbol is the eye, symbolizing their gift of wit.

Decra: A special place for haunts in the spirit world. It's a gondola in front of a magical pond with water that literally shines. It's also where haunts must bring their desired mate and do the mating ritual which is the two people take a chalice that is in the gondola, fill it with the magical water, say to each other "Name, I ask you to be mine. For when I drink from this cup, I will be forever yours." Then the two switch places and seal the ritual with a kiss.

Demon: A human looking creature from the Daemon family. It has physical heightened abilities and can possess other creatures and regenerate health. They can also, with training develop telekinesis, teleportation, and telepathy. In moments of extreme emotion true eye color is revealed (black=pure demon, yellow=half-demon, red=archdaemon). They eat anything. It's passed genetically. They are killed with large amounts of holy water, salt, exorcising, or and are mortal. They smell like wet dirt. Their symbol is an eye for wit.

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