Chapter 18

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Deck knocks on the door to Kristofferson's quarters. After everything that happened last night, he knows what he has to do. He knows the captain won't be happy about his request, but he'll have to agree with him on this one. A few seconds pass until he opens the door. The captain frowns when he sees him; warriors rarely interrupt other warriors' private time in their quarters. "Hello, Deck. Is something wrong?"

He shakes his head, knowing he's referring to the two warriors recovering in the infirmary. Gunner predicted the twins' recoveries to be swift and quick. "No, I just...can I talk to you for a second?"

He nods and opens the door for him. The banshee follows the werewolf into the living room which Lina just recently had a beautiful balcony put in, lighting up the room a whole lot more. If Deck was here under brighter circumstances, he'd appreciate it more. Kristofferson sits in an armchair facing the couch Deck sits on. "What's this about?"

Deck rests his hands on his thighs and takes a deep breath. "I have a request."

"Name it."

"I-I would like you to reassign a new partner and trainer to Kyra." He pleads shakily.

The captain sighs deeply and rubs his eyes. "Deck, I know this has to do with last night."

"Of course it has to do with last night! My actions and decisions almost got her killed and she deserves better than that. Kyra's a good kid." He says.

Kristofferson smiles at him. "You care about her."

He could deny it, but the were will never believe him. "My feelings have nothing to do with this. She's a good warrior who deserves a good shot at this career and I believe she needs...someone else training her and working with her to do that. I-I'm no good at working with people, and since this is my second offense of getting a partner in trouble, I think it would be best if I returned to working alone."

"Deck, you know it's not a good idea for a Shield Guild member to be working alone. I let it carry on for as long as I did because I was sympathetic. After what happened to Gowanne, I understood you needed time. But now you have a good partner that you work well with. Since there have been no other issues between you two, I am denying your request." He states with no leeway whatsoever.

Deck curses. "No other issues? There doesn't need to be any more issues! It just takes me screwing up one time to get her killed! Isn't that enough for you?"

He shakes his head. "Deck, it doesn't matter who I sent with Kyra last night. If the fucking leader of the First Pack wanted Kyra, they were going to get her. You were blindsided, just like anyone on that mission would have been. And it doesn't have anything to do with you. If Raven was with you last night and Alistair wanted her, she would have been taken and she's been here almost as long as you have. What happened last night has nothing to do with you."

The banshee angrily slams his fist on the coffee table and launches to his feet, shoving his hands through his white hair. "How can you say that? Especially after what happened to Gowanne!"

"Gowanne wasn't your fault either, Deck. You can't beat yourself up forever over it. He wouldn't blame you..." He eyes Deck cautiously, "and she wouldn't either."

Deck points a finger towards the captain. "Don't. Not now, Kristofferson. I can't deal with that right now."

Kristofferson clasps his fingers together and leans back in his chair. "You know, Deck, caring for someone isn't a sign of weakness."

He narrows his eyes at him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean just because you are growing feelings for Kyra doesn't mean you're weak. Most partners in the Guild care for each other. Look at Raven and Kenai or Gunner and Elwood. I only hope you and Kyra and Caul and his future partner can be so lucky." He tells him. Deck runs a hand through his hair in frustration, hating this. He knows part of what the captain is saying is true, but come on. If both of his only two partners got into trouble while on duty with Deck, that has to mean something's wrong with him, right? It can't be a coincidence.

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