Chapter 8

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Kenai finds Anvy and himself standing in the entryway to a living room/kitchen, the small, cozy room a total contrast from the swank bachelor pad they were just in. He blinks, the sudden shift surprising him. But his feelings are still very much there. His fury at Vane, Saad, and Paenn is still burning in his veins, making his pulse throb and his body tense. He still wants to go back there and beat the shit out of them, but he knows he can't, for two reasons. One, Vane is Anvy's superior and he can get her in tons of trouble if he harms him for no good reason. He might know his treatment towards Anvy justifies his actions, but the Council might not agree with him.

The second, and more important reason is Anvy needs him. He saw it on her face back at Vane's and sees it now. She looks so worn down and broken. He tries to take her mind off of it. He looks around at the cute living room. "Is this your house?"

She nods, walking over to turn on a lamp to lighten up the place. "Yes, this is it. Sorry, I just needed to get out of there and this was the first place I thought of. We can go somewhere else if you want." Anvy wrings her hands nervously.

He shakes his head immediately and frowns. "No, this is fine. I like it. It looks...cozy, welcoming." Kenai walks further into the room, checking the place out, when he notices Anvy staring at him. He stares back, noting her questioning gaze. "Anvy, what is it?" He can guess, but he still asks. He's sure she doesn't want to talk about some of what just happened, and they aren't anywhere near close enough for him to expect her to be open with him. He'll just be an ear for her until she's ready.

With a dead pan look she replies "You think I'm a slut." It's a statement and her voice is sad and upset.

Expecting anything but that, Kenai's eyes widen and his frown deepens. "What? No! Gods, no! I'd never think that."

She scoffs. "Oh, please. After all of that; after all they said and did and hearing what I've done, you have to be thinking that. Any sane person would."

Kenai's anger returns in full force at the reminder and with clenched fists, he takes a step towards her. "And I met your buddies and after being with them for less than an hour, I already know they're disgusting pigs and spineless jerks. Why in the world would I listen to them over you, Anvy? I've spent enough time with you to know you're a much better person than all of them combined. Why would I think anything they said was true?" He says sweetly, the anger leaking out of his words each second he looks at her, feeling his heart ache for her pain.

"Because it is true, all of it. Everything they said was true, I..." she hesitates, her eyes full of sadness. "I just didn't want you to know about any of it." She hangs her head in shame.

Kenai takes her hands in his, her gaze lifting to meet his as he says "Listen to me. Anyone could say anything about you, and it wouldn't change what I think or how I feel about you, Anvy. Nothing could make me think you're a slut, never. I think you're amazing and you put every other girl I've met to shame. I don't care what you've done or what other people think of you."

Anvy leans up and plants a gentle kiss on Kenai's cheek. He blushes when her warm lips meet his skin. Pulling away with a smile, she states "You are either the sweetest or stupidest guy I've ever met. Either way, you affect me like no guy ever has, Kenai. You make me feel things I've never felt before, and I like it."

"You must know it's the same for me, Anvy. You make me stronger and I feel very protective of you. Those are two sides of me I've never seen."

She eyes him with a heated look. "I know. The way you stood up for me and were so ready to fight the guys, it was I love that you're sweet, Kenai, but to see you so ready to defend turns me on." Her voice turns husky and it makes him hard, causing him to think of her low, throaty voice during sex and the noises she made last night. Fuck...she goes on. Anvy shakes her head and places her hands on her hips. "You have such a high opinion of women; your mother must be some woman."

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