Chapter 16

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Kenai and the others teleport to the outskirts of the pack's property. Kristofferson gathers everyone around him. He looks as much as a warrior as the rest of them decked out in his black leather armor. "Okay, guys we have to make a plan."

Elwood jumps in with a hand on his pistol full of silver bullets. "Let's split up and look for Kyra. We can find her a lot faster that way."

The others echo sounds of encouragement, obviously liking that plan. Anvy says nothing on the other side of their circle as Kenai's worries hop back and forth from Kyra's safety and Anvy's feelings. He needs a clear head for this and he doesn't have one.

Kristofferson clears his throat. "Look, I know we're all concerned for Kyra and finding her as fast as possible sounds great, but we have to be smart about this. This whole preserve is crawling with werewolves and other shifters. If we all go in, someone undoubtedly is gonna set off an alarm of some kind. If we don't have Kyra when that happens, they could take off with her or worse; kill her. I think we should send one person in with Robin to find her as soon as possible while the rest of us wait for a signal of some sort. When we know Kyra's safe from harm, then we go after them."

Caul, Raven, Elwood, Gunner, Robin, and Deck all nod in agreement while Anvy remains silent. "I'll go." Kenai announces grimly.

"Could have called that one." Caul says.

Deck steps up and holding his gaze sincerely, replies to Kenai "No, I should be the one to do it. I'm her partner and the reason she's here in the first place."

His own words come back to haunt him and Kenai realizes how much of an ass he was before to his friend and Anvy. Fuck him. The avori frowns. "No, Deck. I didn't mean it before. I'm sorry-."

"-Can we save the soap opera moment for later, you two? Kyra's in trouble." Raven points out worriedly.

"I'm her brother, Deck."

"I'm her partner which comes first in the Shield Guild. Sorry, rookie." For once, he doesn't use his nickname in a derogatory tone. The banshee looks to the werewolf. "Captain, you know why I have to do this."

Kenai thinks he's referring to letting Kyra get away, but it's something more. The captain and Deck share a look that speaks volumes, but he has no idea what it means. What's up with Deck lately? Unfortunately, Kristofferson sides with the banshee. "Agreed. Deck and Robin will go find Kyra. Sorry, Kenai, but he's right. If I send you in there without a clear head and something happens to Kyra, you're proving the Shield Guild right for having that old law about family. You have to show you can handle your sister being the victim. If you can't, Kyra and you shouldn't work together anymore." He can tell it's hard for the captain to say that to him right now, especially when he sounds so heartless. But Kenai knows he's right. This is exactly what the Shield Guild didn't want to happen between families in the Guild. He has to stay strong.

Deck and Robin start walking into the swampy preserve where the pack lives. The vampire doesn't talk much, just stays quiet, looks around from time to time, and bites on his lip which is bad because it exposes his fangs. They don't need anyone knowing he's a vampire. But he doesn't say anything. Poor guy is more messed up over this than Deck, and this whole situation is ramping up his emotions more than he's comfortable admitting. When they approach the first sign of life which is a gravel road and some buildings that look like houses, they lie low. They duck behind a house when a group of men walk by, heading towards a huge house in the middle of the property where a lot of people are gathered. He gets a scent off them; wet dog. Werewolves....

To make things a little easier, Deck shifts himself into one of the guys who passed, so he doesn't stick out like a sore thumb and maybe no one will stop them. Robin just stares in amazement at his transformation. "Hopefully me being disguised as a were will help overcome your paleness, fangs, and obviously being a vampire." Robin nods in agreement.

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