♪ Thirty-Nine ♪

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My shoulders slumped as I studied the scene in front of me.

At least eighty people stood, beaming like I just won an award. My mom stood in the center, waiting to see my reaction. All her friends, plus countless people I didn't recognize, stood around my foyer, with snacks and drinks all to celebrate my return.

Oh boy.

I took everything in, accepting my defeat. I was going to have to do something; my life was disappointing, but I didn't need to make everyone else's.

"Awesome. Food!" Zak said, walking past me to the table.

Rich stepped forward, too, absorbing a bunch of 'welcome back's he got from the people present.

"Oh Logan," my mom said, coming towards me and giving me a hug. I hardly returned it. "I'm so glad you're back."

I said nothing, and she soon pulled away. She put her hands on my cheeks and looked at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" she asked. "You don't look happy. I thought you were dying to come back."

"I'm just tired," I offered lazily.

She looked like she didn't believe me for a second, but decided to drop it anyway. That's just how she was.

"Your father couldn't make it, but he'll be back later," she told me like I cared. "But look at everyone who came. There's Quentin Sherman, Lily Dean..."

She pointed people out, and they all waved. My mind was getting overwhelmed, and I never wanted to be alone more than I did in those moments.

Rich shot me a look from across the room. I knew he wanted me to be nicer, but he couldn't control me anymore. He was just my manager again.

With that mindset, I didn't force myself to smile, and I took every opportunity I could to try to get alone.

"Welcome back, Logan," someone said for the millionth time, and I nearly bursted.

"Thanks," I mumbled, trying to make my way to the giant staircase on the right side of the room. The chatter around me was almost deafening, and I thought I was going to be sick.

"Where you off to?" a man, who's name I didn't care to remember, asked me. He stood by the stairs with a wine glass in his hand.


"Logan, come here," my mom called.

I groaned quietly in frustration before turning around to look at her. I still was carrying my bags, and they were starting to get heavy. It took everything in me not to just break down and scream.

I bumped into people as I made my way over to her.

"You remember the Harpers?" she asked when I was in earshot.

I shook my head. Of course I didn't remember the Harpers. How could I?

She gestured to a girl about my age who stood next to her. "This is their daughter, Carlie."

I looked at the girl she was referring to. She was super tall and her orange hair fell to her waist. She wore a tight black dress, and her shoes looked like they could gorge someone's eyeballs out.

"Hi," she said, twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

"Yeah hi," I said, trying not to roll my eyes.

"I'll just let you two talk..." my mom said, like she had just set me up on a date.

I narrowed my eyes at her back. I had been here for not twenty minutes, and she was already trying to force me onto someone I just met.

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