♪ Six ♪

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The choir was working out better than I thought. I went to each practice Summer had planned for the two days before the next mass, and I saw improvement. They got a little better each time they ran through the song, and they seemed to be having a good time. They were a little upset when Summer told them I wouldn't be able to perform with them on Sunday.

"We are going to fall apart without him!" Marie had cried dramatically, placing her hands on her head.

"You are going to be perfectly fine without me," I had reassured her.

Luckily, Rich still hadn't found out that I had been singing a lot more than he intended me to. Summer promised day and day that she would talk to him, but I wasn't too convinced that would help. Rich was serious about me not singing, though no one had figured me out this far.

I was super excited to see them sing in front of the church. Rich questioned my behavior after last week when I didn't want to attend. I told him I had an epiphany and he rolled his eyes. I think he still thought I was trying to leave.

I made Rich sit with me in the front, a place I sat many times during choir practice. I waited eagerly for the mass to begin, and Rich kept looking at me strangely.

"What?" I hissed finally, not wanting him to get too suspicious.

He put up his arms in innocence. "Nothing. I'm happy your excited to be here."

Summer told me the day before that they were to sing at the end of mass. I looked around and saw her in the pew to my right. She smiled and waved excitedly. I waved back. I knew how happy and excited she was to do this. She only told me twelve times.

The beginning of mass went slowly, and I began to lose my eagerness. It wasn't until Father James introduced the newly formed choir when I perked up. He gestured toward the group who stood in the front of the church with their music in books in front of them. They all looked so excited. Marie looked a little scared, though.

The song began. Vincent's amazing piano skills sounded even better today. I told him to take my place singing the first part, and he did it fantastically. The rest of the group joined in, and I tried not to tear up. As girly and cheesy as it sounded, I had helped them learn the song just a few days before, and I was proud of them. I was like their personal coach.

I found myself watching Summer who sang with a huge smile on her lips. I couldn't get over how passionate she was about this. You don't find many people like that. Even incredible performers usually don't have that much passion for what they do. They just do it because they're good at it, and because it's what their expected to do. She does this because she wants to, and she wants to help people.

I could almost see her eyes lighting up as the song progressed. I hadn't even known her long, but I had already caught a glimpse of her personality that I didn't find in anyone, not even myself. I used to think I had no faults, but I really really did. I was not a person like she was. I was not like any of the people I had met here. They all just seemed so happy and enjoying life at the same time. I wished I could bring some of that happiness back to Hollywood.

When the song ended, everyone clapped. I even clapped a little louder than everyone, gaining another glance from Rich. He was quite a curious one.

The group grinned, clearly enjoying their fame. I could tell the church really liked them and would want to hear more. Summer looked at me and we shared a knowing smile. She was probably the happiest of them all, having her dream come true in just a few days.

When the mass ended, I casually made my way over to the group. Rich, of course, followed, so I had to make it subtle.

"You guys did great," I told them.

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