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Thank you to @snowflare05

Thank you to @snowflare05

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Remus: Thank you ~~

Janus, Virgil, and Patton grow cute cat ears and tails. Janus' tail and ears are yellow, Patton's are blue and Virgil's are purple.

Janus: Is this really necessary?~
Virgil: For once I agree with Deceit
Patton: But it's so cuute!


Their boyfriends all died from over cuteness.

P, J, V: Are you guys okay?

Roman: -nosebleed- I-I'm fine but I need you to kiss me to break this curse!

Virgil: What curse??

Roman: Uhhh... Just, you have to do it, well only if you consent of course but hopefully and-

Virgil kisses Roman and his tail wraps around the prince. Virgil backs up and smiles.

Roman proceeds to pass out once more.

Logan: P-Patton, you look adorable.

Patton: Aww, Thank you, logy!

Patton ran and jumped onto Logan, nuzzling his face, purring.

Logan is done for the count once more not being able to ask him to do anything.

Remy: You. Are. The. Cutest. Thing. Ever. You're like a cat-snake!

Janus looks away shyly, having his ears droop a bit and his tail cover his face to hide his blush.

Remy: Oh hel-

Remy passes out next to the other men. Not asking anything either.

Patton: I guess we killed them

Virgil: Guess So

Janus: Hmm~

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