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My heart is racing wild as I enter the house. This is far from the typical thrill that I experience from travelling and modeling. I feel nauseous from the continuous palpitations i have been having since I entered.

Oh shit, how many are we now? I wondered as another one entered the house.

Why did I even join this reality show? Yes, its a great start for publicity and fame, but am I fit for it? Seeing how everyone in here is the way they are, I started to feel incredibly insecure. For one, Sky here is a summa cum laude. While Wealand and Banjo both have inspiring stories of their own. On the other hand, there are the amazingly strong mothers, Hasna and Mae and of course I can never forget the plus size model Jaimie. There are other housemates as well whom stories I have forgotten already. Probably because I have been internally panicking ever since I saw Wealand after I entered, not that He's scary to make me panic, its the whole PBB expeerience thats causing my palpitations. And seeing how everyone seems to already have found their place or role in life, or even how they succeeded, made me feel undermined.

I am a model, probably one of the hottest, said my manager, but I never felt how being a hot model makes you purposeful in life. I am a model who stands for looks alone. I do not have any advocacy in which I can contribute something or at least stand for something. Everyone here has already done a lot. All I do is pose at the age of 24 whereas sky had already exceeded various expectations, Hasna has battled wars of both motherhood and marriage and Jaimie has inspired numerous people with body positivity. As for me, what have I done? What makes me fit in here? I can't even get over the fact that I'm the only one who doesn't understand whatever it is they are talking about. Holy shit. What if they are already talking about me?

My thoughts were distracted upon the arrival of a new housemate. Everyone was racing towards the door so I followed. Then I saw her.

Her tag said her name is Diana. Everyone was already saying hi but my mouth was still agape. Never have I seen such beauty in front of my eyes. Well, of course, excluding my everyday moments in front of the mirror.

Anyway, I regained my consciousness when everyone was already guiding her to the couch. Thank God I became alert because if not I may have already embarassed myself on the first night.

Everyone sat once again and continued with their conversations. Kuya Banjo, Wealand and Sky started chatting with me and I easily became friendly with them because they made it easy. What was not easy was to avoid looking at Diana who still has my mind caged in her entrance. I made some stolen glances towards her and she caught some and just smiled. Oh my, my heart's palpitations raced once more. Thank God Gino came in.

Hmm, not bad. According to them, He's a young business man who deviated from their family's business to start his own. Now that's impressive. Great. Now I feel extravagantly insecure. Ugh.

"Okay guys, pakilala na tayo starting from the first one who entered the house," sky said signalling the introductions.

Wealand started introducing himself. We all laughed when he mentioned that we could call him "Wea, Land or Wealand or what else." We also greeted him a happy birthday after he announced that just tured 21 today. I really find him funny and I feel like we will be close friends.

After Him, I introduced myself and the rest followed. I remembered Kuya Banjo because he is somewhat similar with Manny Pacquiao since he's inclined to Martial Arts. Also the fact that one of the housemates called me Jinky, which I learned to be Pacquiao's wife. I learned a lot about them and most of them tried to speak english for my sake which was great. I feel like our batch will really get along seeing how everyone acts so chill so I did the same, until she spoke.

"Hi, I'm Diana, I'm from the province but I live here na. I'm half Kiwi rin so same kami," she said then pointed towards me. Oh my God. Really????? Okay that's mind blowing. We're sisters! That's great right? Finally someone who can relate. After that I immediately felt relieved because I knew someone would be able to connect with me seeing that we have the same lineage. Now that's great.

Gino ended the introductions and Kuya welcomed us to his house. After that we were told to proceed towards the activity are for our first challenge.

For our first challenge, Kuya tasked us to become human tables through interconnecting our bodies in a square. After that, we were tasked to walk simultaneously in order to reach the number assigned to our desired food. The boys mostly had the hard part done as they did the first and third tries. I, on the other hand, was included with the girls on the second try. The task had to exclude ate Jaime admist her persistence to join as the task was not appropriate for her figure, soshe just cheered for us.

It was clear that the boys were already tired so they had to substitute someone. I thought it was going to be ate Mae since she was the most fit among us, but Diana volunteered.

She sat between the boys and didn't mind them at all despite considering that she is a girl who had different parts of the body from the boys. I found this interesting and cool. She didn't care at the external factors at all, she was focused.

As they were all walking towards the, everyone's core was pushed to the limits, but I looked at one person alone, and that was Diana.

She looked cute suffering, not that I want her to suffer, but her face is just easy to admire even in difficult situations.

Once they were in the right position, they stayed there for 8 seconds and we won. We got the cake for Wealand. We sang and partied a little for a little. This dinner and gethering made me feel more welcomed in the house and I couldn't help but feel excited. All the nausea was gone and was replaced with the excitement.

It wasn't too long before we were told to rest for tonight because the following day would be long. All of the boys bid goodnight as they headed towards their room, while we entered our own.

The room was spacious and nice. Lots of mirrors for me to admire my face and probably admire Diana's lol. Everyone was already choosing their beds so I was left out. Diana probably realized that i didnt have my own bed yet so she offered that we sleep next to each other. Thank God for her.

Giddy as ever, I thanked her and then sat on our bed. We then organized our clothes and had our conversations. They interviewed me first seeing that I'm the unique one among them. I told them my line of work and how my Mother is a Filipina. They then asked me about my love life and I confirmed I was single. They were shocked at first and I didnt know why so I just told them I wasnt interested yet. Kiara asked whether I like Filipino men, and I said yes. To be honest, I was never really interested with Kiwi men. I feel like their too common for me. I want someone who is uniquely similar with me and I havent found that yet.

The spotlight then hit Diana. She was asked whether she was single or not. She said she is single and that made my heart happy for a bit, but she also told us that she was talking to someone. Hmmm, curiosity strikes. She also talked about how long her last relationship was and I was shocked how it was already too long. What a shocker. Men do miss a lot, noh?

"Well you don't always need a man." Fuck. What did I just say? Why did I say that? Fuck Franki why?

"Yeah," Diana replied feeling a little bit awkward. Fuck. I made it awkward. Shit man what do I do?

"You know, yung daddy na napang-asawa ko, di siya yung daddy ng dalawa kong anak." Thank God Ate Hasna narrated. Everyone's attention transferred to her and since I didnt know what they were talking about, I just looked at Diana.

Wow, those features are just... wow. I'm really speechless. She's so beautiful and the way her eyes squint every time she smiles makes me want to lie down and just look at her.

I have never been this attracted to a girl. Well, no one is as attracting as her, there's that. But there's a certain magnet to her that just wants me close to her. I couldnt quite get this feeling off but I really want to know her. I better do my job well during our stay.

After a few minutes the light finally went off as our cue to sleep. Everyone, having an adrenaline filled night, had their asses tired and proceeded to sleep.

"Goodnight Franki," Diana whispered making my heart leap. After a few seconds I replied, "Night Kiwi sis."

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