Chapter 21: The penpal

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Alex is excited that his girlfriend and her friends are moving into Puss' house! Will he make sure that things go right on their first day there? Even without having his parents and friends get in the way?
One night, Alex was writing a letter down for his Italian girlfriend and penpal, Gia.

"Dear Gia, hi, it's me, again, Alex. I miss you lots. How was your day at the circus with Stefano and Vitaly? Just let me know when this letter gets to you. I'm sending lots of love to you because I love you tons every single day. Even in my dreams when you're in them. Can't wait to see you once you guys are done with your tour so I can hug you tight and kiss your beautiful face, again. Love, Alex."

Once Alex finished his letter, Marty snatched the letter out of his paws and started reading it. Alex rolled his eyes. "Marty, do you mind? Give me my letter back." He said.

Once Marty was done reading the letter, he smirked at his best friend. "Aww, Alley Al misses his girl so much, he wants to hug her tight and kiss her face several times. Mwah, mwah, mwah!" He said, making kissing sounds, making Alex blush.

"Come on, Marty, give Alex back his letter, will you?" Gloria said, who was watching Friends with Melman.

"Yeah, come on, man, Gia is his girlfriend after all. He misses her. If Gloria was gone for a long time, I'd go crazy and get separation anxiety." He said, cuddling closer to Gloria.

"Aww, Melman, you're my sweetheart." Gloria said, holding Melman's hoof, squeezing it affectionately.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. If I ever get a girlfriend in my future and when she's away for a long time, I'd go nuts as well. Sorry, Alex." Marty said, handing Alex's letter back to him.

"That's okay, Marty. It's just been a while since I last saw Gia and I just wanna keep in touch with her." He said.

"I know and, as your best friend, I should respect your privacy. I should know better."

"I know." Alex said, putting his letter in the envelope, licking it closed.

"But I do have a question. Do you know when she's gonna come back with Vitaly and Stefano?" Marty asked.

"Yeah, it's been a while." Gloria said.

"Plus, your mom has been pestering you for a while to meet Gia so bad, Alex." Melman said, as Alex rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I hear you, Melman. I don't know yet. I'll find out soon. Hopefully." He said, walking up to his mailbox, giving his envelope a quick kiss before putting it in there, pulling up the little flag for the mailman to see the next time as he walked over to his bed to lay down and go to sleep. "Alright, guys, I'm hitting the hay."

"Same here. Goodnight, ya'll." Marty said, walking up to his air mattress to go to sleep.

"Alright, Goodnight, guys." Melman said.

"We'll get ready for bed after we're done with our show." Gloria said.

Two weeks later, the next morning, Alex woke up half asleep, to find the penguins, who were all standing next to his bed stand, holding a purple envelope. He was a little annoyed to find them next to him before he tried to bury his head under his pillow. "Hey, you, pretty boy, wake up." Skipper said, removing the pillow from Alex's face before he sat up, grumpily, rubbing his face.

"Do you, guys, have any idea what time it is?" He groaned, pointing at his clock where it reads 7:14 AM.

"We're sorry, Alex, but you just got mail a little earlier today and I think it might've been from your girlfriend." Private said, handing Alex the purple envelope.

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