Chapter 19: The fight

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During their cruise over the ocean, getting ready for the Fourth of July, a few of the friends have started getting into a fight and fell out of their cruise ship into the ocean! Will they get back together and get back right before the fireworks start?
One Sunday, the friends and neighbors were having a party on a cruise ship to celebrate the Fourth of July. Tiana has been helping Remy cook foods for their friends and family along with snacks as well. Alex, Marty, Melman, and Gloria were setting up the tables and chairs while Alex was also helping his parents out with them. Pocahontas was getting the fireworks ready for later at nighttime to light up while Vanellope was at the front on the railing, like she was flying like she was in Titanic, letting the wind blew threw her hair, holding out her arms.

"I'm the queen of the world! Whoohoo!" She cried out before she turned to Ralph, who was looking all pale and feeling seasick along with Meeko, both standing by the railing, waiting to throw up. "Isn't this great, Ralph?"

"Then why do I feel so green and awful?" He replied, turning green before throwing up from the ship, making Meeko vomit off the ship as well, disgusting Vanellope.

"Ew! You know, if you're not feeling so well, go toss your cookies with Meeko somewhere else so it doesn't get on me when the wind hits it."

Pocahontas chuckled, walking up to Ralph before picking up Meeko. "Come on, Meeko, why don't you go rest for a while. Ralph, we got some Ginger Ale in the cooler. It should help settle your stomach from seasickness." She said.

"Thanks, Pocahontas, and maybe some rest should help, too." Ralph said, leaving the railing to go lay down and drink Ginger Ale.

"I'll tell the ocean to settle down a little bit to make you feel better." Moana said, walking past Ralph and Pocahontas.

"Thanks to you, too, Moana."

While setting up the tables, Alex was helping his dad, try to unfold the legs up, but Zuba was getting confused on how to unfold them, which was making him frustrated. "It's no use, son. I can't seem to figure out how to make these legs stand the table." He said.

"Here, Dad. Let me help you with that." Alex said, unfolding one of the legs from the table. "There you go. See if you can give it a try now."

Zuba stood there, confused, but also amazed. "Oh, so that's how you do it. Thanks, Alakay." He said, taking the table from his son to unfold the other three legs.

"Anything for my dad."

Florrie came out, holding out some folded chairs along with Marty, trying to figure out how to unfold the chairs, looking confused. "Okay, Florrie, how do you unfold these things anyway?" She asked herself.

"Hang on, Mama Al, I'll show you how it's done." Marty said, before unfolding the chair, setting it down. "It's that simple."

Florrie was amazed when Marty unfolded the chair. "Wow, so that's how you do it. Thank you, Marty." She said.

"Anything for my bestie's mom."

"Mittens, why don't you just put that thing down and actually help us get ready for tonight?!" Bolt was heard, coming up on the deck, holding three boxes of board games along with Rhino, helping out, arguing with Mittens, who was wearing headphones in her ears, listening to her new IPod, only she was wearing one earbud in one ear so she can hear what Bolt and Rhino were saying.

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