Surprisingly, instead of looking terrified, the male laughed loudly. "He also said you would do that."

I scowled, and wound my arm back, ready to throw the knife directly in between his eyes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm the Delta." He said proudly, puffing his chest out slightly.

I gave him a look to say, who the fuck cares?

"Look, we don't have to do this the hard way. Please just go easy on me, okay? Alpha Cain made me your personal guard to make sure you didn't run or hurt yourself. He'd kill me if anything went wrong, which would really suck for my mate, who by the way, is pregnant." He held his hands up in surrender.

Goddamn, I hate the soft spot I have for pups, born or unborn. Just to fuck with him, I threw the knife slightly to the left of his head, so it just missed him by a hair.

"Nice aim. You must be pretty good at wielding weapons if your Gift is to summon them. Can you summon other stuff? It's cool you used to be a Gamma, you must have been really good at other fighting stuff too." He babbled on, much too enthusiastic for someone who almost got impaled with a dagger.

I stared at him blankly.

"Oh sorry, I never said my name. I'm Carter. I'm just a little nervous because the pack was warned to tread lightly if they were to ever meet you. You know, cause of your tendency to threaten people with weapons and all."

If I'm being honest, I'm glad that the pack members will probably be too scared to approach me. It will make leaving the territory a lot easier.

I still stared at him blankly, not changing my facial expression.

He facepalmed. "Oh my god, I'm such an idiot. I totally forgot you can't talk. I'll go get you a pen and paper so we can talk!"

I rolled my eyes. Talking was the last thing I wanted to do right now, but I had to say something so he would leave me alone for the rest of the day and I could escape.

A few moments later, he returned with a pad of paper and a pen. He handed me the writing utensils, and stared at me expectantly.

I sighed, and wrote: Where is Alpha Cain?

"He had to go do some Alpha stuff. He told me you're welcome to do whatever you want here as long as you don't leave the Pack House or hurt yourself." How hypocritical of him to tell Carter that, when he had just this morning given me a bloody head.

I nodded, and handed back the pen and paper. "Wait!" Carter cried out. "I want to ask you some questions to get to know you. After all, you're the Luna and I'm also your personal guard so we will probably be together most of the day."

Gritting my teeth, I nodded once. I only planned on answering a few questions, and then pretending to want to go upstairs to nap.

"Is your real name Ares? I'm just asking because that's kind of funny that one of the most powerful Gammas is named after the God of War." I nodded once.

"Can you only summon knives?" I nodded once, even though it was a lie. The weaker they thought my gift was, the easier it would be to evade them.

"Is it true that you've been a Gamma since you were 13?" I nodded once again, although he was getting dangerously close to crossing the line on what I was willing to answer.

"Why do you wear the cloak and mask?" I stared at him for a couple of seconds, and he squirmed uncomfortably under my intense gaze. "You don't have to answer, I was just curious."

Figuring it would be easier to just show him, and knowing he wouldn't press me anymore for the day, I slowly pulled down my mask and took the hood off my head.

He gasped, and I couldn't tell if it was in shock, horror, disgust, or a combination of all three.

My facial damages included my scarred eye, random scars all over my face, and I made sure to angle my half-ear so he could see it.

"You... I..." He was at a loss for words. I nodded once, knowing there were no words for what he was feeling. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

I wrote on the paper: It's fine. I'm going to go shower and take a nap, so I would appreciate being left alone for the day.

He nodded quickly, eager to please me after seeing my marks. This is why I cover them up. I hate the looks of pity. My scars aren't because I'm weak. They're proof that I'm too strong.

"Let me know if you want me to make you food or something. The Alpha told me to make sure to get you anything you want." He said, and my heart clenched momentarily. Carter was really nice; I hoped he wouldn't get too punished when I escape.

I nodded, and retreated back upstairs into Alpha Cain's room. Knowing I was running on borrowed time and it wouldn't be long until Alpha Cain or Carter came to check on me, I worked quickly.

I looked around the room for something I could use to fashion a rope out of, but found nothing.

So, I summoned 10 whips. I worked quickly to tie them together, so it would form a rope that I could use to climb from the window from.

I thought the Alpha would have locked the windows shut or glued them, but they opened without the slightest resistance. I suppose he didn't think I would be ballsy enough to jump down from the 4th floor, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I tied one end of the whip-rope around the bed and knotted it, then put the other end of the rope out of the window.

I looked out of the window, admiring my handiwork. The rope almost reached the ground.

I held on to the rope and climbed out of the window, being sure to do so quietly so Carter couldn't hear me scaling the side of the house.

I was extremely thankful for all of the working out I had done over the last almost two decades , because climbing down a rope was not for the weak.

Finally, when I was about 5 feet off the ground, I let go of the rope, landing on my feet.

For being one of the most fearsome Alphas in history, Alpha Cain sure made escaping easy.

I chuckled to myself, and began sprinting into the woods.

Hello, freedom. Goodbye, mate.

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