The Hardest Part

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It had only been a few hours since I woke up and things had just calmed down. I had to tell a police officer about everything that had happened and recount some details for Jungkook and the guys. I was going to have to stay another night for observation but the danger was over the minute I woke up.  

The doctors said that I would be OK, but that I might have some headaches and memory loss. I didn't have any memory loss, though I wish I did. I had been out for about 12 hours though, so a lot had happened with my case. 

Bo's friend was in jail. He turned out to be a really bad guy and Jungkook had probably saved me from a horrific experience. The police had been close behind but when they searched the place they found an exit in the back that was hidden.  He could have taken me and got away in the few minutes he would have had if Jungkook hadn't come for me.

Bo was here in the hospital as well, but with a policeman stationed outside his dorm. He would be OK but he had to have emergency surgery to remove his spleen. 

Of course, I wasn't going to be alone, all seven members were in my room. It was a VIP room apparently because it was the biggest hospital room I had ever seen. It had a couch even. They were spread out on the floor and the couch and Yoongi was in the chair. 

Jungkook was laying in the bed with me. I had fallen asleep after all the commotion with the doctors and cops, and just woke up to find them all asleep as well. I looked at the clock, it was about 3 am. 

I carefully got out of bed and went to the bathroom, then left my room in search of Bo. I wanted to see him for a few reasons, but I also wanted to make sure he was OK. Even though my life with him was hell, he was my husband and while it barely made sense even to me, I cared. 

I asked a nurse for help and she directed me to his room. I could hear him as soon as the elevator opened on his floor. His room was right there and a police officer was indeed guarding him. When I walked in he quit yelling and his eyes got really big. 

"Rose! Oh, Rose! You're Ok! They wouldn't tell me anything!"

"Hello, Bo. Yes, I am Ok, no thanks to you. That guy could have really hurt me. Jungkook got there just in time and saved me."

"Seriously? That guy again?"

"Bo, you better watch yourself. That guy you LITERALLY took me to could have raped or killed me!!"

He shut up then, and I could see I made my point clear. 

"I'm not going to ask you for anything ever again, but right now I'm asking you to please not fight me when I file for divorce, which I am doing as soon as I get out of here. In return, I will not ask for anything or push for prison time. 

"Understand that this doesn't mean that you won't get prison time. I just want you out of my life."

He didn't say anything but just nodded. 

I nodded back and walked out of his room and went straight to the elevator and hit the button. When the doors opened Jungkook was standing there with a wild look in his eyes.

"It's Ok, it's just over. He agreed not to contest a divorce." 

He took me into his arms and when the elevator door closed I went limp and started to hyperventilate. 

"Rose, it's ok, I have you and I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know, it's just, what's going to happen now? I have nothing and know nothing! I need to find a job, a place, I can't have you do everything for me."

"Actually, you can. Bang PD already told you he was giving you half of Bo's severance and since he didn't leave you alone, you get it all.  

"Plus, I'm sure it will be a higher amount now that you get it all."


Bang PD sent a huge car to come to get us from the hospital. We went straight to the dorm, all of us still really tired. There was someone new I hadn't met before cooking up a giant spread. 

"OMG! Thank you for coming over Min Soo! Rose, neet Min Soo, she works for the company and sometimes takes care of us. She's like our Mom away from home."

"Hello, Min Soo."

"Rose, I am so glad to meet you. I heard about what you have been through. I knew Bo and I am so sorry I never realized what was going on. I worked with him and always wondered about you. He talked about you all the time and looking back I feel like I should have figured it out."

"It's OK, it's all over now. I'm going to go take a shower and... um.. Jungkook? I still don't have any clothes."

"Actually, you do have a few. After everything happened yesterday I came straight over here to start preparing for your return here. I got you some clothes that will do until you can go shopping again." Min Soo explained.

All of a sudden I couldn't get my breath. I looked at Jungook and he saw I was struggling. 

"Min Soo, can you call the doctor?"  he asked her. 

"Wait! Get a paper bag! It's just a panic attack." It was Yoongi. 

Min Soo found a paper bag and Yoongi told everyone to back up and Jungkook quickly picked me up and carried me to the couch. Yoongi kneeled in front of me. 

"Rose, take the bag and breathe into it, with me: In, 1 2 3 4 5. Out, 1 2 3 4 5."

In just a couple minutes I was OK.  I started crying.  

"I'm so sorry, I'm not sure what happened." I said.

Jungkook was looking at me with so much concern. "I think we will skip the mall for a while. We can try smaller places, or better yet, hire you a personal shopper."

"Can we eat now?" Tae asked cutely. 

We ate well. 

I got caught up in my head thinking about that panic attack, would I have more? It had been terrifying. What if I wouldn't be able to go to the mall again? I mean, I had been cooped up for so long. I didn't want to be stuck again because I was scared now. What on earth was I going to do?

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