(17) To The Museum We go!

Start from the beginning

You see your loves waiting for you, when they saw you, they immediatly ran up and hugged you. You didn't know why but you didn't complain.
The seven of you were so excited to go to this zoo- I mean Animal Museum.

Once you guys reached to the school, the school bus already arrived. You saw the kids boarding the bus, Mr. Iyami saw you and the sextuplets before shouting.

In the bus, you sat between Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu.
"Mr. Iyami! When will we arrive?" One of the kids at the back of the bus shouted. The teacher looks at him before chuckling.
"In 5 hours!"

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!" All the kids in the bus screamed at him. Five hours is a REALLY long time, the children started complaining to Mr. Iyami.

"I'm not that patient, I cant wait for five hours!" You look at Jyushimatsu, he nods angrily in agreement.
"What about you Kar-" You turn to Karamatsu who was on the window seat, appearantly he already fell asleep. You chuckled a bit, when no one was looking, you pecked his cheek.

Two hours later, you were starting to get sleepy yourself. As you were about to drift off to slumber, you hear Osomatsu talking to Todomatsu about how he, Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu has planned alot of puns about animals to upset Mr. Iyami.
Osomatsu and Todomatsu was just sitting infront of you so you couldn't help but eavesdrop a bit.

"Please, don't make puns. You know how much me, Choromatsu nii-san and Ichimatsu nii-san hate puns...." Todomatsu grunts. Osomatsu laughs.
"Even better!" He chuckles, Todomatsu groans before whispering.
"Its gonna be a LONG day....."

Another two hours had pass and you just woke up from your short sleep, you noticed that Karamatsu also woke up too. You suddenly felt the urge to go number one.
"Mr. Iyami, I need to pee..." You tell Mr. Iyami, it seems like a few of the kids want to aswell.
"Mmmm fine, me think theres a gas station around here...." Mr. Iyami went to talk to the bus driver to stop at a gas station for a while. Once the bus made it to the gas staion, you and four other kids went to the bathroom.
Being the nice kid you are, you let the other four kids go first so you went last.
Once all four kids were done, it was finally your turn. When you were done, you went out of the stall and immediatly, your eyes widened.
"W-where's the bus.....?"

To put it shortly, the school bus left without you, you cried, called Mr. Iyami from one of the employees phone and the school bus went back to get you. The sextuplets were so worried and comforted you, you didn't feel like talking to them at the moment.
An hour later, you guys finally arrived at the Animal Museum.

"Thank the pickle gods! We finally made it.....that took forever!" Jyushimatsu exclaims as he puts on his backpack and got up.
You did the same with Karamatsu and left the bus.
"Alright kids, stay close and stuff. Also if any of you gets lost, its not me's fault." Mr. Iyami folds his hands together as he wears a big backpack thats almost the same height as him.
"Mr. Iyami, why do you have such a big backpack? What are you carrying?!" Ichimatsu's eyes widened as he points to Mr. Iyami's backpack.
"This? Its filled with weapons of course!" He smiles. The kids eyes went to fear.
"W-why do you need weapons for?!" You slowly backed away.
"Well if any of the animals try to harm me, I'll pull out my sword on them and make them my dinner" After the teacher said those exact words, the whole class started screaming.
"YOU CAN'T KILL THOSE ANIMALS!!!" Everyone yelled at him.

In the corner of your eye, you saw Oso, Kara and Jyushi whispering to eachother. Based on what Osomatsu was talking about back at the bus, you knew what was to come.


"Okay kids, first we're gonna look at the cats, did you kids know that 300 years ago, a cat named 'Tip' tried to run for president?" Mr. Iyami says as he looks at the pen filled with cats and kittens, then Osomatsu came up to Mr. Iyami.
"Really?! You've got to be kitten me right meow!" He pretended to look surprised.
"How pawsome!" Jyushimatsu jumps.
"Look guys! Those two cats are laying next to eachother, I bet they're pawtners!" Karamatsu points to two cats in the pen, the whole class chuckled. Except for Choromatsu, Ichimatsu and Todomatsu who just groans, including Mr. Iyami.
"Was that suppose to be puns?!" He yelled.
"Yep, aren't they purrfect?" Jyushimatsu grins while Mr. Iyami lets out an 'uugghh' sound. You can't believe this is happening.

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