(2) Baseball Accident!

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A couple of days had pass and your furniture, including your bed, finally arrived!

You were laying down on your bed, thinking about those sextuplets that were your neighbours. They were unique? You dont know what to think about them except that they're really friendly.

As you were about to drift off to sleep, you hear a light knocking sound on your window. You look over and see that theres nothing there. Then a pebble was thrown and hit your window, making the same sound.

You open the window and look down to see Osomatsu collecting pebbles to throw at your window, you chuckle.
"Hi Osomatsu kun!" You yell down to him.
"Oh, hi (Y/N) kun! Im also not Osomatsu nii-san by the way, Im Ichimatsu!" He yelled back.

"Whoopsies, sorry Ichimatsu kun! I'll be down there in a bit!" You yelled at him one last time before you close the window and went downstairs to your Mom.

"Hi Mom! Can I play with my neighbours today?" You jumped up and down.
"Of course sweetie, be back before lunch though" Your Mother kissed your forehead.
Then you ran outside where Ichimatsu was.

"Hey Ichimatsu kun, so whats up?" You smile at him.
"You see, me and my brothers are playing baseball and we were wondering if you wanna play too?" He said, trying to not sound nervous.
"Okay!" You grabbed his hand and dragged him to his house. He blushes bright pink and smiles at you.

Once the two of you reached the Matsuno kids's backyard, the other five brothers have already started playing. They all turn their attention to you.
"Hi (Y/N) kun!" They wave to you
"Hi guys!!" You wave them back.

"Hey (Y/N) kun, can you cheer on for me while I play?" One of the brothers that was holding a bat says to you.
"Sure! Although, which brother are you again.....?" You chuckled in embarassment.

"Im Jyushimatsu, the coolest one!" He says as he points to himself with his thumb.
"Hey! No you're not!" The other brothers complained, making you laugh.
"Go Jyushimatsu kun! You can do it!" Yau wave your fists around, he blushes bright red.

After awhile, Jyushimatsu was doing pretty good. You were pretty shocked. This time, he was about to hit one last baseball with his bat before taking a small break.
"Woohoo go Jyushimatsu kun! You're doing awesome!" You kept cheering for him. He glances at you.
One of the brothers prepare the baseball and throws it at Jyushimatsu, he hits the ball as hard as he can and the ball flew towards your direction in lightspeed, causing it to hit you directly in the middle of your face, you let out a blood curtling scream, along with the sextuplets screaming your name.

You held onto your nose, crying and wailing. Not long after, the sextuplet's Mom and Dad came rushing in with the first aid kit.
"My goodness, (Y/N) are you alright?" The Mother held onto the both of your shoulders while the Father is having a little 'chat' with the sextuplets.

You wanted to answer the Mother but all that came out was sobs. But you were able to murmur something:
"I-it hurts....."
"Oh (Y/N), its alright, why dont you let go of your nose so I can see the bruise?" She says to you. You slowly reveal your bruised nose to her.
"Thats not too bad, all you need is some medicen and a bandaid." The Mother said as she picks up a cotton ball and pour some medicen in it and dabs it on your nose.

It stings a little but it was fine, then she picks up a bandaid and placed it on your nose.
"There, dont you feel a little bit better?" She asks you with a warm smile.
"A little bit, thanks Miss" You sniffled.
Then the doors behind her opened to reveal the kids. The Mother got up and left, leaving you with the sextuplets alone.

"Go and APOLIGIZE Jyushimatsu!"
One of the brothers nudges Jyushimatsu's arm.
"I- okay! Okay!" Jyushimatsu awkwardly says and looks at you.
"I.....Im sorry, (Y/N) kun....." Jyushimatsu pouts and looks down at the floor in shame.
"Its okay Jyushimatsu kun, it was an accident after all, right?" You shrugged at him.

"Hehe, thanks (Y/N) kun...." Jyushimatsu blushes dark pink. "You're lucky Jyushimatsu, if I was (Y/N), I would've smack you in the head"
One of the brothers said, getting a little jealous.
"Mmhmm!" The others nodded in agreement. Then all of you hear a knock on the door.
"(Y/N)!! Your parents are here!" Yelled The sextuplet's Mom.

"Coming!" You ran towards the front door with the sextuplets behind you.
You open the front door to reveal your Mother.
"(Y/N)! Are you alright?!" Your Mom hugged you tightly.
"Yes Mom, Im fine...." You hugged her back, eventually she lets you go.
"Come on now, lets go home." She quickly grabs your hand and drags you.
"Wait, (Y/N) kun!!" Jyushimatsu and a few others called out. You let go of your Mother's hand and turn around.


"Will you.....still be able to play with u-us....?" Jyushimatsu said shyly.
"Duh, why not? Just because I got hurt ONE time doesnt mean anything Jyushimatsu kun!" You ran up to him and give him a big hug before running back to your Mother.
"See ya sextuplets!" You wave at them.

"Yipee! I got a free hug from (Y/N) kun!" Jyushimatsu jumps around.
"No fair!!" The other brothers said in jealousy and starts to chase Jyushimatsu around. You chuckle.


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