(12) The 'I like you' Game

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This chapter is inspired by the comic (vid above, its also not mine)

If you wanna know the rules to the game then you should watch the video above first, if not then dont worry I'll explain it later


You were in the sextuplet's house for the day because your Mom was going to work and will come back late at night.
You were playing videogames with Jyushimatsu, the two of you were fighting against eachother.
After awhile, Jyushimatsu beats you.......again........

"Woohoo! I did it!" He cheers.
"No fair! You always play this game and you're basically a BOSS at it....." You frown as you place down your controller.
"Sorry, will this make you better?" Jyushimatsu said before giving your cheek a kiss.
"Hehehehe, yeah I guess so...." You kissed his forehead.

"Hey guys! Its our turn to play now!" Todomatsu and Ichimatsu yelled in unison, you chuckle and got up along with Jyushimatsu.
"Who wants strawberry juice?!?" Choromatsu bursts into the room carrying a tray of strawberry juices.
"ME!!!" Everyone yelled.

After about an hour, everything was pretty good. You guys were just sippin' on strawberry juice and taking turns playing the videogame, but then the power randomly went out......of course.

"Really?! Again?!" Karamatsu complained to the dead lightbulb above them.
"Great......now we cant play videogames!" Ichimatsu threw the controller to the ground.
"How long will this last?" You ask the sextuplets.
"About.......five hours" Osomatsu groans along with his little brothers.
"FIVE HOURS?! We cant wait that long!" You said as you stood up and look out the window.

"Well usually, our parents turn the power generator back on when this happens but since they're not here now.....we have to wait..." Choromatsu lays down on the futon. The seven of you groan again.
"Cant we turn on the power generator ourselves?" You look away from the window.
"Yeah, but Mom and Dad said we could get electrocuted...." Todomatsu frowns and looks to the side.
"I dont care, Im so BORED." Osomatsu scoffs, Todomatsu looks at him in shock.
"You could DIE!" He shouts the last part to his oldest brother.

"True, I dont want to leave (Y/N) kun," Osomatsu shrugs.
"Then what do we do then?"

"(Y/N) kun, do you have any ideas? You seem to be good at coming up with games and all." Jyushimatsu looks at you with a smile still plastered on his face.
"You know me so well, I do have a game we could play......" You smirk at them.

"Uh-oh, whats with that smirk....?" Karamatsu's face suddenly went from bored to worry immediatly.
"Muahahahahah, its called......" You paused.

"The 'I like you' Game" (cue the dramatic music XD)

"Oh....that doesnt seem too bad, I mean.....its only just saying 'I like you' to eachother, right?" Ichimatsu raised an eyebrow.
"Hehehehehehe, its not JUST that. Ya see, a person has to say 'I like you' to another person and vise versa. The challenge is to make the other person blush first!" You smile innocently.
(Yes, thats literally the whole game lol)

"Heh, seems easy. I ALWAYS make everyone blush with my sweet talkin' " Osomatsu says with a shiny smile. The other brothers just started bickering at him while you just stayed quiet cause you didnt want to admit that its actually true.....
"L-lets just get started guys....."


The first two people who are competing are you and Osomatsu.
"Heh, Im SO gonna win" He brags.
You just roll your eyes at him, again, you didnt want to admit that he's the one who makes you blush the most. He clears his throat.
"I like you, (Y/N) kun....." He smirks. Gosh darnit. You didnt blush just yet but damn that smirk was adorable.
"Is that all you got? Puh-lease, ahem.....I love you so much, senpai~" You raised up an eyebrow and smirked at him as your face slowly goes closer to his. And surprisingly, his face went a bit pink there. He chuckles
"Alright, ya got me there...."

The next one is Karamatsu, he already looked pretty nervous but not as much as you, not after the school play yesterday.
"Oohh boy.....eerrmm....." He looks to the side.
"Y-you should go first..." He coughed awkwardly. You nodded.
"I love you, Karaaaa~" You looked at him with puppy dog eyes, sadly he didnt blush but chuckled at your cuteness.
"My turn......Will you be my future husband, sweetie?" He whispered in your ear, making you shiver...... and blush.
"AaAAAaAa I g-give up...." You covered your flustered face.

Next is the cute nerd, the one that always gets good grades in class. Choromatsu.
"T-this is unfair.....I blush 85% of the time Im with you!" He pouts.
"Dont worry, I'll go easy on you..." You smiled at him.
"I like you, you smartypants" You jokingly said to him, that wasnt what he was expecting.
"That was lame....." He chuckles.
"Uumm...well, I probably wont be good at this but......I-I love you, more than anything I could think of...." He covers his face. You look at him in shock, that was actually pretty sweet of him, I guess you were blushing a bit.
"See? You made me blush, you did it, Im proud of you...." You kissed his forehead.

You honestly dont know what Ichimatsu has up his sleeve, he never was the 'flirty' type. But that doesnt mean you loved him any less.
"I......love you, senpai...." He mumbled all of the sudden, it made you shock a bit but you were proud of him somehow.
"I love you too, sunshine~" You planted a kiss on his lips, he flinched a bit but soon kissed you back, you cupped his cheeks and could feel it starting to burn up. Once the two of you let go of the kiss, you grin at him.
"I won."
"I wanted you to win, good job."

Oh dear, Jyushimatsu, he's always filled with surprises. The both of you looked at eachother with a look that says 'Im so gonna win'.
You went first.
"I love you, cutie"
"Hihihi well I love you MORE!"
"Oh yeah? Well your so ADORABLE!"
"Your the most amazing person ever!"
"I love the way you hug me!"
"I love the way you smile!"
"Your cute and cuddly like a teddybear!"
"Your my source of happiness!"
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
"No, cause it felt great when you caught me!"
"Your my ball of sunshine!"
"No you are! Cause your so hot!"
"Your like a pet! Cause I could talk to you all day!"
"Well I wanna be your blanket, cause I wanna wrap my arms around you all night!"

The two of you realized that you guys already blushed at the same time from the beginning and starts to burst out laughing.
"I guess its a tie"

Then last but not least, Todomatsu. Sometimes he would be a little bit protective of you and it always made you swoon a bit, so you dont know what he could do to make you blush.
"Sooooo.....who's going first?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You could go first if you like!" You shrug.
"Mmmm fine.....I love you, (Y/N) kun. You really are the best person we ever met and I honestly dont know what we did to deserve someone so caring and nice and cheerful like you, Im so sorry for not being the best boyfriend you could have b-but I always try my best to protect you a-and care for you......Im sorry for all the things I did wrong, y'know sometimes I worry that I didnt do enough for you, you truly are.....the most amazing thing that came to my- I mean....OUR life..." He smiles sadly, you were so surprised, this definitely was unexpected.
"I.......I love you too.....Totty..." You said bluntly without even realizing what you said.
"Totty? Is that some kind of new nickname for me?" He chuckles at your mistake.
"S-sorry, I meant to say Todomatsu but it just ended up being-"
"Its okay, (Y/N) kun! I......I like that nickname."


Osomatsu kun x Male! readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ