(15) Unforgettable sick day!

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It friggin sucks to be sick on a school day, you really wanted to go to school with the sextuplets but after dancing in the rain for too long, you got sick......

You were laying on your bed, sniffling and sneezing. You wish that it'll be over soon, then you hear your bedroom door open to reveal your Mom carrying a bowl of soup.
"Hi honey, feeling any better?" Your Mother went to your bedside and placed the bowl on your lap. You slowly sat up and looked at the warm bowl of soup with red puffy eyes.
"Um....sweetie, I asked you if you're feeling better...." Your Mother asked again. Your eyes widened a bit.
"S-sorry, umm, a little...." You lied, you didnt feel any better. Your Mother smiled.

"Thats good, now eat up your soup before it gets cold..." Your Mother whispered slightly before leaving your room. You started drinking the hot soup, you burned your tounge a bit but it was fine.
All you wanted is to sleep, you slowly put the now empty bowl on the floor and slowly got up. You could barely even move your legs, you were so numb and cold.

You went to the closet were you left your phone and look to see theres still no text message from your Dad, you felt like you wanted to cry but you decided not to. You slowly shifted back to your bed and dialed your boyfriends number. Not even a minute later, they picked up.

"Hello? (Y/N) kun? Whats wrong? Why didnt you go to school today?!" The sextuplets from the other side of the phone asked milions of questions, you didnt know who it was but you didnt care. You sniffled.
"Hey...uuhh can the six of you come over p-please?" Your voice sounded plump because of your stuffy nose.

"Whats wrong with your voice?! Are you sick?!" He asked again, you could just feel him gripping on his phone, you forced a smile.
"May....be...." You chuckled nervously. Then the phone quickly hanged up, you raised an eyebrow. What the.....?

After about 10 minutes, you hear a knock on the door. You shifted in your bed to get in a different comfortable position, you tried your best to yell with your sick voice.
"C-come in....!" You coughed.
The doors slowly open and your six boyfriends stood there. You groan.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US YOU WERE SICK?!" Ichimatsu stomps in with a pouty look and came up to your bedside. You chuckled.
"S-sorryyyyyy....." You smile goofly at him, he blushes a bit before looking away.

"You don't know how WORRIED we were when you didnt go to school!" Jyushimatsu's eye brows narrowed up gently, he looked so sad that you didnt go to school.
"Aaaww, Im sorry g-guys...." You sniffled, you slowly sat up to look at them better.
"Its alright, sweetie. To be honest, it was kinda our fault for getting you sick, heh" Osomatsu scratches the back of his head and started massaging your foot.

You look around and saw Karamatsu going through your closet, you raised an eyebrow until Karamatsu pulled out the box filled with flower crowns. He walked up to the front of your bed and placed the box infront of you and opened it, inside was the flower crowns, beautiful as always.

"Oh! We could wear the flower crowns again!" Totty said as he reaches inside the box and pick out a flower crown, followed by the rest of the sextuplets. You look inside the box to find a (F/C) flower crown, you picked it up and wore it on your head.
"I never wanna throw these away!" You said as you did a pose with the flower crown. You coughed again, making the sextuplets frown.

"We want you to be all better!" Osomatsu pouted, you look at him with reassuring eyes.
"I will, just not now I guess...." You sniffled again, this time, you frowned once more.
"Hey, dont be sad!" Choromatsu said as he grips onto your hand.
"We'll try our best to make you happy and take care of you!" He looks at his brothers, one by one they all smiled and nodded happily.

"H-how.....?" You sniffled.

"Karamatsu, Choromatsu! Get the carpet!" Osomatsu orders with his index finger pointing towards the door.
"Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu! Get our blanket!" He orders his younger brothers again. He turns to me and Totty.
"Todomatsu! You and I accompany (Y/N) kun while we wait!" Todomatsu gives a thumbs up to him and sat next to you on your bed with Osomatsu on your other side.
"What in the world are you guys doing?" You glance at the two of them. They just chuckled, then Todomatsu placed his index finger to your mouth.

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