(9) Hide and Kiss♡

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-Longest chapter I've written
- Lots of fluuuuuuuuffffff ♡♡♡♡


"(Y/N)!!" Your Mother called out to you, you quickly went downstairs and you see your Mother at the front door, all dressed up.
"Yes Mom?" You say as you walk towards her.
"I just got a new job here and I have a meeting to attened, but I couldnt take you with me. So I asked those sextuplets to accompany you here while Im gone." She says with a smile.

"Okay Mom, and congratulations on getting a new job!" You give your Mother a big hug by wrapping your arms around her waist. She pats your head.
"The sextuplets should be here in-"

"(Y/N) KUUNN!!!"


Your Mother opened the front door to see six smiling faces.
"Hi (Y/N) kun's Mom! Is (Y/N) kun here?" Osomatsu waves his tiny hand at her.
"Yes, are you boys sure that the seven of you will be okay alone?" Your Mother ask all of you as the sextuplets went inside and hugged you.

"Mhmm! We'll be fine." You said to Your Mother as the sextuplets let you go.
"Alright, dont break anything, dont go outside and dont talk to stangers okay?" Your Mother showed her index finger to the seven of you.
"Ay ay captain!" The seven of you replied.

"I'll be going now, bye!"

"Bye Mom!"


"(Y/N) kun, do you have video games here?" Asked Todomatsu.
"Well, I dont exactly have any, but I have something in mind that we could play!" You replied with a smile.
"What is it?" Three of the sextuplets said in unison.
"Just typical hide and seek, this house is a lot bigger than my old home so it could be pretty fun playing hide and seek here." You gesture your hand around the room.
"You have a point there, your house is bigger than ours too...." Jyushimatsu said as he explores your room more but tries not to be too nosy.

"Okay then, hide and seek it is! But who's gonna be the seeker first?" Karamatsu said as he got up from sitting on your bed.
"I'll be it!" Choromatsu raised up his hand.

"Alright, while Choromatsu counts to 30, everyone hide!!" You yell to the five brothers as you ran out of the room.
You decided to hide in the backyard and beside the door. After a few minutes, one of the sextuplets went to the backyard and passed you. You thought that was Choromatsu so you held your breath.
The brother turned around and saw you hiding, you flinched.
"Aaww, you found me...." You pouted and walk towards him.

"No no, Im Ichimatsu!" He shakes his head. You look suspiciously at him and examin the brother.
"No your not! Your Choromatsu, are you?" You squinted your eyes.
The brother bursts into laughter.

"Yep, thats me. Sorry sweetie!" He blushes and smiles.
"Yeah yeah, I hope your happy about lying to your boyfriend!" You fold your arms together.
"Aaaaww pwease dont be mad at meee...." Choromatsu wraps his hand around your neck. You let out a little smile but you quickly hide it.

"Hmmm.....I'll only forgive you if you do something for me." You let out a devilish grin.
"Uh-oh, w-what is it?" Choromatsu lets go of your neck and looks at you with those innocent eyes, you let out an evil chuckle.

"I have a boo-boo on my lip, can you kiss it better?" Your eyes began to sparkle, while Choromatsu is just confused.
"Oh okay- wait a minute....." He looks to the ground with his face in a thinking phase, after about 7 seconds, his head starts to blow up with the color red.

"(Y-Y/N) kun.....are you...." He stutters.
"Asking Choromatsu kun to kiss me? Mhmm...." You nodded, Choromatsu was shaking and his face was crimson red, he was taking too long so you just rolled your eyes and cupped his cheeks.

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