(16) Hospitals are the worst...

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This chapter was requested by Cookiemoonlight, my friend!


You feel someone aggresively shaking your shoulder to wake up. You rub your eyes and saw that your Mom was the one shaking you. You were confused, she looked very serious and I guess......angry?

"Mom? W-what's wrong?" You said as you tried to get up, you look out your window and see that the sky is still a dark shade of purple.
"Wake up. Get ready, we're going driving." She quickly says before leaving the room as she slams the door. This made you really concern and terrified, you look around and went to the closet to change your clothes. Thats when you noticed that your phone went missing.

Oh no.......

You went downstairs, scared at what your Mother would do. Then she came up from the room beside you, all dressed up. She didnt say anything and grabs your wrist, dragging you to the car. At this point you were almost crying, because it reminded you of the old times she had with Dad.

Your Mother went inside the car with you and drove off, everything was quiet but theres a really evil aroma around the two of you. Your Mother has a hard grip on the steering wheel.

"S-so......where a-are we going? Heh...." You chuckled nervously.
"What the FUCK is this?!" Your Mom picked up a familiar phone with one hand. You could feel your heart skipping a beat.
"A..." You gulped.
"WHAT?!?!" Your Mom shouted.

"P-phone.....'' You look down in dissapointment.
"Why do you have a phone in your damn room?!"
You tried your best not to sob, everything was going so fast..... literally, she was driving very fast.
"Someone.....gave it t-to me...." You mumbled. Your Mother scoffed.

"You mean your DAD?!" She looks at you with a face filled with rage, she quickly turns back towards the road.
"How did...."

"I saw this phone in your bedroom and saw your texts, you've been talking to Dad, huh?.....WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME?!" She threw the phone to the back of the car, you could hear it smashing to pieces
"Im so sorry Mom, I wanted to tell you but-"

"And guess what? One of my friends has a kid that goes to the same school as you....."


"And recently, there was a play going on in your school......I didnt make it to the play cause I was at work....."

"Mom I-"

"I was so proud of you for being in a play with your friends, until my friend sent me a video of the play..........WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING WITH THAT BOY?!" She screamed at you as the speed of the car goes faster every minute.

"MOM, IT WAS ACTING! Please slow down the CAR!!" You sobbed at her, begging everything to stop.
"ACTING?! YOUR TEACHER TOLD ME YOU AND THAT BOY DID THAT ALL BY YOURSELVES!!" She screamed, making your heart slowly shatter.
"Mom.....Im so sorry....." You said barely above a whisper.

"You must've been SO PROUD to be standing infront of that stage, holding hands with that Karamatsu idiot and embarrass your Mother!" She asked you with a sour tone in her voice. You didnt say anything, in fact, you COULDN'T say anything. You look behind you to see the phone your Dad gave you, all shattered and broken. You feel like you want to jump out of this car and run away but its too dangerous for a seven year old like you.......

"What did I tell you about doing those yucky shmucky things to a boy?! You are so disrespectful...... I can't believe you would.....DO SOMETHING SO IDIOTIC, YOU PATHETIC LITTLE SCUM!"

And after all of that, it was just a big blur of an empty memory. You couldnt hear anything but a few murmurs and mumbling. You feel weak and numb, there was alot of pain curling down your body. You could just feel your own heart breaking from its place, you remembered every single bit of that morning. Probably the worst wake up call anyone could've recieved.
You open your eyes to see a beautiful childrens clinic room, there were butterflies on the walls, flowers and rainbows. You look at your hands to see bandages going around your fingers. You wondered where your Mother is although you didn't care too much about her.

Then, a light blue door opened to reveal a nurse. She seemed surprised that you were awake until she hid it with a soft smile. She walks to your bedside.
"Hello, are you (Y/N)?" She asked you with a sweet and calming voice. You nodded.
"Where.....is my Mom?" You look at her, she seemed really into what you wanted to tell her.
"She's in a diffrent Hospital, dont worry though little one, she's still in a coma after the accident but she'll wake up eventually" The nurse says before going to a diffrent area of the room to wash her hands?


"Yes, (Y/N)?" She turn around to look at you.
"Is it bad that.....I dont want my Mom to wake up....?" You turn to her with a serious face, she grew concern of you.
"Why?" Her eyebrows furrowed slightly. You look back at your bruised hands and sigh.

"I....don't know..."

The light blue doors bursts open again, whoever came in was probably children your age. You could here them calling out to you and coming to your bedside, you didnt care to look who they were since you knew already. You just stare blankly at the wall, remembering that moment.....the moment your Mother found out about all the secrets you kept from her, you regretted ever choosing to go with her instead of you Father.

You realized that you needed to be there for people here in this town and how many friends that you have made and the love you have found, you quickly shake your head as you went back to reality and look at the sextuplets who were crowding around you, their eyes were tear-y.

"(Y/N) ku-un......are y-you okay?" One of them asked, you smile sweetly to them.
"Heh, never better....."


That night, you were going in a cab with the sextuplets along with their parents to go to the Hospital where your Mother is. You were pretty nervous about meeting your Mom, because your afraid that it'll be the same argument over and over again.
When you arrived at the Hospital with the Matsuno family, you went inside and looked for her room. The doctors lead the way and not long after, you were infront of your Mother, she apparently just woken up an hour ago.

"She barely remembered the accident that had occured, would you kindly explain to your Mother what happened?" The doctor asked you, you look at your Mom.
"(Y/N).....what happened?" She questioned you. You take a deep breath.

"We were driving to the park this morning, we were talking about the fun things we could do at the park. You weren't looking where you were going....." You said with a straight face, even though you weren't straight.

"Oh honey, Im so sorry..." She apoligized. You smile to yourself.
"You should be, and I forgive you"

After about three days of your Mother's recovery, the two of you finally went back home. When the two of you were still in the hospital, you quietly went to your Mothers purse and pulled out her phone, and then deleted the video of the play.


Osomatsu kun x Male! readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora