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I'm tired of having feelings for people who don't know
That love is a two-way game, & not a one-way show
I'm tired, and that's the undeniable truth,
That any feelings I feel should be relayed and put on mute,
Somewhat of a pause
I love so unconditionally, no I've never needed a cause,
but I'm covered in my guilt and my overwhelming flaws,
I've been bitten by a love bug and its bloodthirsty jaws
It cuts me open like a magician playing with his saws
If love was a crime then yes, I've broken the law
With my feelings running amuck like a puppy running on his paws,
Yes, a puppy,
My soul left transparent like a haunting duppy
I've been treated roughly
Yes I've been treated rough
But This is what you trained me for
To be tough, I must congratulate you,
But enough is just enough

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