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Love is a river, big as the ocean
I'm in a pool of my very own intoxicating emotions
Lonely like a statue, without motion
I hug the Mary Jane, as my only notion,
Yes, my very own potion
a sock and some lotion
A ritual of mine, a ritual of man's very own design
My lust blinds me, so yes I am blind
Listen to me please, because I am Simon,
Yes, you know? Mr "Simon says" ?
It seems the kids of this generation listen to his words,
More than pastor preaches "Jesus says",
But I'm tired of listening, and I'm done with the rules, I feel like they were placed there for people like you,
Just a bunch of ignorant fools,
Lost and hopeless, and an absence of tools,
Like the savior that rode into town,
He rode on a mule, somewhat like you,
Just another dirty ass, you think you know it all,
But you still have no class, To hide your ignorance, you wear a caucasian skin as your mask,

And the fools that follow you, who purge their pigments, To fit in, sicken me to the very core,
I'm done with the racial issue, so I'm shutting my door,
My mouth a-gaped, and dropped to the tile and floor,
The color of your skin shouldn't determine whether you get less or get more
Revolting isn't it? but we cannot revolt in silence
Our voices must be heard, throughout these islands,
Throughout these lands, our time is well over due, like the high tide washing over the sands
But yes, I have a plan,
A plan indeed, like the 1860's when Lincoln said The slaves were freed,
Yes indeed, I have a dream,
Just like Luther, call it a wish,
Can we please live in equality,
And not throw a fit?

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