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Ty opened the door to the room where Lucas had been taken to. Nameia's house was a simple structure, single story with three bedrooms. It was the guest bedroom where they had put the Vampire. His heart skipped a beat as the door slowly creaked open. Ty had been told that Lucas hadn't been responding to anything. He wouldn't eat or drink and he didn't talk when spoken to.

The demi-God's parents didn't know what to do next with the boy, worry and fear coloring their voices when they'd spoken to Ty. Slowly closing the door behind him, the boy rested against it for a moment, stealing himself as his gaze lingered on the Vampires still form. Lucas was lying on the bed, his upper body propped up with plenty of pillows.

Unable to tell if he were awake or not, Ty settled with moving towards the bed unannounced. As he approached he noted that Lucas seemed to be awake. A smile tugged as his lips as he sat down on the bed right next to the Vampire. Reaching out to his boyfriend, he touched Lucas' cheek and gently brought his face around to face him.

"Lucas. Hey, it's me."

His heart clenched and his body began to shake. The vibrant silver gaze that had always made him so elated to look into were nothing but dull gray orbs. Lucas' lips were motionless as he stared at Ty without seeing him. With shaking hands, he held either side of the Vampire's face, his eyes searching frantically.

"Lucas?" he asked, the shaking his body experienced slowly impeded his voice too.

The gray gaze slid away from him to look back to where they had been staring before Ty had pulled his head over. His hands slid off of Lucas' face as he grit his teeth together tightly. One hand fell on the Vampires forearm while the other tightened around his shoulder. Ty fell forward, his head hitting Lucas' chest.

His mouth opened to release a short huff of painful air, then a dragged rasp of a gasp as he fought the raging torrent of grief that washed through him. Ty's eyes squeezed shut, burning hot as he pressed his forehead into Lucas' chest. His entire body shook as he struggled to contain himself. Both hands tightened around his boyfriends shoulder and arm.

"I'm sorry," he wheezed, "I'm so sorry!"

Looking up, he put his hand back against Lucas' cheek, pulling his face to make the boy look at him. The gray gaze never returned to him. Lunging forward, Ty wrapped his arms around the Vampire's neck and embraced him, rocking back and forth more for his own comfort than for Lucas.

His voice gasped in and out as he nestled his head into Lucas' long hair. Hot tears streaked Ty's face as he sat there. Drezair had gone silent, leaving Ty alone in his fear and grief.

"Please..." he moaned softly, gripping the other boy tightly.

When no response came, he let both of their bodies fall against the pillows where he allowed his voice to cry out his frustration into the feather stuffed cases.


"You know, he hasn't drunk for a long time. Last time he bit you was about two weeks ago," Ember's voice cut through the haze that had filled his mind.

Ty glanced up at the younger Vampire briefly before letting his gaze fall back to the floor. He and Taylial had come to Nameia's house the night before. The fight with the demon's had been short lived, especially with the appearance of the Families. To Ty though, the news that a few of the Families had lost their lives hadn't even stirred him.

"You should try to get him to feed," Taylial said softly.

"What good will it do? He's broken and I'm the one who did it."

"Exactly. So it's your responsibility to fix it," Nameia cut in, her voice snapping at Ty.

Looking up to her, he winced slightly and frowned, "I want to fix this. You should know that. I just... I doubt making him drink from me is the best idea. Maybe we should-"

"Oh hell no. I don't fucking think so Tyrathane. You're not backing out of this. You're not dead, so get your ass in there and make him drink from you."

Ty flinched, his lips pulling into a frown, "I didn't mean I was backing out... it's just..."

"Making him take another partner isn't going to help either. It has to be you, there's no one else," Ember said softly, trying to lighten Nameia's heavy tone.

His head fell forward, black hair shifting around to fall over his forehead and cast a dark shadow over his face. After a moment, Ty slowly stood and lifted his head to look at the others in the room. His lips pulled into a small smile as he turned to head into the room where Lucas was.

"Better than nothing right? If this fails..."

"I'll kill you," Nameia hissed.

"Pleasant to know that I don't need to ask," Ty remarked as he left the room and re-entered Lucas' bedroom.

As he closed the door quietly, his smile faded as he gazed upon his boyfriend's unmoving form. The Vampire was still staring at one corner of the room and he hadn't moved at all. Slowly he walked back over to the bed and put himself right next to Lucas. Shifting around a bit, Ty got closer and reached out to the boy.

The fingers of his free hand pulled at the white shirt underneath his school blazer uniform. He pulled Lucas against him and tilted his head back so that his neck was bared out to the Vampire.

He worked Lucas' jaw opened with his fingers and dragged the Vampires head down to his throat. At first he didn't feel anything and so he moved around a bit until he felt the sharp prick of Lucas' teeth. With his skin pierced, there was nothing else to do but wait and see if the boy reacted.

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