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Ty stood against the wall of the hallway, his eyes closed as he imagined L'liya's features. He had to have a clear image of her in his thoughts in order for his grimoire to work in finding her. Though he doubted that she would still be at the school, it was worth a try to see if she was. After all, it wouldn't do to miss anything.

Finally he got her firmly in mind and invoked his grimoire. The tongue ring burned slightly as the power was turned on. Opening his eyes, Ty looked around the high school's hallway. A frown pulled on his lips. The usual milky film that would portray the person in question wasn't anywhere in the hallway. So, he started walking with the grimoire still active.

It took him about an hour to score the entire campus, excluding the hall where the enchantment was to hide the catacombs beneath the school. He found nothing, not a single trace of her. This was going to be much harder than he originally thought. The only place left was the catacombs and he doubted he could find her during the day.



"What is it, Ty?" The demon asked from the corner of his mind, the silky voice resounding in his head.

"Could you break that spell in the corridor that hides the catacombs?"

There was silence for a while as the demon contemplated the question. Finally he answered and his voice told Ty that should the demon have been in full control of his body he would have been smirking.

"Yes, I could and it would be broken permanently."

"Good, let's go have some fun shall we?" Ty answered, his lips pulling into his cocky grin as he turned around on his heel and started down the hallway he'd just come from.

The students moved aside as he went, making it easier for him to make his way there. It took him no longer then ten minutes to get to the enchanted hallway. As he walked up to the wall he eyed it carefully. Drezair stirred, slowly taking over Ty's body as the human boy relinquished hold to the demon.

"Tell me, why not just walk at the wall?" the demon asked is counterpart.

"Do you take me for a fool?"

"Depends... Sometimes I do."

"Ass. Of course I'm not just going to walk at that wall without knowing where the entrance is. I'm not stupid."

Drezair laughed, "Hmm, could have fooled me."

"You're lucky I like you... work you damn magic already jeez... I hope you've enjoyed picking on me."

"Always, Ty," a grin was spread on his lips, showing his fangs as he lifted his hand at the wall. The sickly yellow eyes glowed as the demon unleashed his power onto the off white plaster wall. The entire hall seemed to grow unnaturally still and silent for a moment. Then, the wall before him rippled outwards from where his hand hovered. The spell cracked and broke, falling away easily under Drezair's touch.

The opening to the underground catacombs revealed itself to him as a dark archway. Drezair stared at it for a while, a grin twisting his lips as he hovered near the darkness. Finally he took a few steps forward and began the decent down into the depths of the maze. The demon relinquished his hold on Ty's body, letting the human take over once more.

"Oh I see how it is," Ty teased as he finished descending into the dark.

"I know how you are, can't be taking all the fun for myself, now can I?"

"I knew I liked you."

"Of course," Drezair laughed lightly.

The boy continued down into the fire light corridor, his grimoire in his tongue burning slightly as he continued searching for L'liya. He wasn't sure how long he was down there, but with the feel of his feet growing tired and painful, it was probably quite some time.

"Damn," he muttered to himself. Keeping the grimoires power going was getting rather difficult and he'd yet to find the woman. As he turned around yet another corner, he finally saw a flash of milky white taking a left in another hall a few feet down from him. His face lit up and he grinned widely as he finally found what he wanted. Taking off, the pain in his legs and feet long forgotten, Ty chased after the image.

Chasing after the image of L'liya, he followed her for quite some time before the replica walked into a room that was closed for him. Ty halted in his steps, breathes coming in shallow gasps from his constant running. Slowly, he reached out to the handle. Pushing it open with a quick shove he put himself in the doorway and glowered into the dark room beyond.

His power began to pulse through him as he prepared himself for L'liya to fight back. A figure sat at a lonely desk at the far end of the room. One hand held her head up as the elbow was leaned against the wooden table. Slowly she turned to regard him.

"I guess I should have known," she said solemnly.

"Hmm, yeah. I think you knew this was coming hu?" Ty answered as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What do you want?"

"You know what I want. Now let's make this easy, shall we?"

L'liya huffed as she eyed him up and down. Ty smirked at her, lifting his head up and tilting it to the side. A short laugh escaped his lips as he watched her size him up.

"You won't win," he chided.

L'liya sighed and rolled her eyes, "Guess there's no point. Where to?"

"We're gonna go see him. You're old friend. If I had my way though, after what you did to him, I'd kill you. Slowly," Ty growled.

"But you won't, because he said not to hu?"

"He didn't say anything about after the fact."

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