Chapter 1 - Meet Princess Genevieve

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Other than that little incident, it was quite a beautiful day in the kingdom of Elassandria. The sun was bright, white clouds hovered in the sky, and the birds soared around the magnificent castle as peasants and nobles alike merrily danced and played music on the streets. 

This was quite normal here, as the royal Elassandrian family was famous for their passion for the arts and efforts to unite the rich and the poor. Other kingdoms thought them mad, but Elassandria's kings and queens have not requested outside opinions for several generations.

Deep within the castle walls, in a beautiful courtyard full of roses, lilies, and sunflowers, the fair Princess Genevieve was taking the utmost delight in the music that carried over. 

With nary a care in the world, she twirled and pranced and leapt around the courtyard and let the jolly music guide her body's movement. Her long, wavy blonde hair sailed through the air and radiated in the sunlight. 

Her exquisite, bright pink gown followed her every move, and her red heels did nothing to hinder her grace and exuberance. Her golden tiara and the small pieces of silver armor on her gown glistened and sparkled as the sun smiled on this happy soul. 

While her deep blue eyes could plainly see, neither her mind nor her enormous heart gave the slightest acknowledgement toward the group of young soldiers her age, whom stared at her as if she had consumed some unsavory substance. She stopped for a moment, only because and older female voice felt a need to interrupt her aura with some silly logic:

"Princess Genevieve, if you wear yourself out before your match, I'm not holding your hand."

"Oh General Cornelia," the princess responded with a giggle, "you're such a grown-up sometimes! Why not join me? The bards are playing such fabulous music today! If I didn't have to spar with Dame Sierra, I'd be out there right now!"

"And if that entitled brat shows you up?" General Cornelia countered, fighting to contain her amusement. "I don't think you'll be in much of a dancy-type of mood by then."

Genevieve skipped up to the older knight, unfazed. "I don't recall her ever showing me up! No matter how much she tries to belittle me, I have yet to lose to her in a single match. I'll be just fine!"

"All the more reason to save your energy, sweetheart," replied Cornelia. "Besides, have you ever read a book? Every time someone says 'oh my gosh, that would never happen,' it happens immediately." The knight made sure to speak in a mockingly high-pitched tone as she referenced the old literary cliche. Alas, the young princess did not budge.

"Well, I have plenty of energy to spare, so no worries. Besides, it is no fault of mine that she's running so late." With that, she picked up her little pet skunk that was sitting patiently next to the lady knight. "Isn't that right, Tom? Yes it is, yes it is, my special widdle boy!" 

The princess' speech quickly became unintelligible as she snuggled Tom the skunk, kissing his head and hugging him as closely and tightly as she could while ensuring her fur-baby's comfort. The little skunk happily snuggled back, and neither member of the cuddle party paid any mind to the other young knights' scoffs and grimaces. 

Finally, another young lady's voice was heard; high-pitched, but in a different, much more forced manner than Genevieve's.

"How revolting. To think our future queen actually keeps that filthy beast as a pet." Genevieve turned and made eye contact with the one who made that rude remark: a slender girl about the same age as Genevieve, with long, light brown hair that curled at the bottom. 

This girl, clad in magenta colored armor, proudly pushed through the group of young soldiers and strutted up to the princess, swishing her hips and narrowing her eyes at Genevieve with disgust.

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