„Anyway Jinnie hyung! It was nice meeting you again, I'll be going and leave you two alone!" Jimin waved and then ran out of the office.

„So" I cleared my voice awkwardly, trying to forget the whole situation, „ I had this amazing idea you will definitely love but still need to know about!",
I started out and handed over some of the designs, while I tried hard to convince my very critical boss.

As I finished, I stared at him with hopeful eyes, but like so often, his face showed an unreadable expression.

„Not Bad. I allow you to do this, but I want updates every second day and if it doesn't work out you'll be in trouble." he told me and my face burst into sheer excitement.

„I knew you would like it! Just wait until we are done with it!" i grinned from ear to ear and Yoongi just waved me off.

„Yeah, yeah. Now get back to work, Get it of here", he shushed me down.
I gathered my stuff and was about to step out of the office as I turned around and looked at him in concern once more.

„By the way: is the new guy mute or something?" I asked drowning in my own curiosity.

„Why? The hell?" yoongi asked as he looked up to me once again.

I just shrugged and went out, not that he would have any second thoughts of my new project. He seemed dangerously pissed off and tired on top of that.. an explosive combination that better shouldn't be bothered, or being touched or anything at all.

As the door fell closed, his tense shoulders sacked down, his facial expression dropped and he buried his fingers in his hair, sighing deeply, while muttering „I'm getting to old for these games", but I had no clue about it.

While on the other side of the door, as soon as it was closed, I rose my hands and let out a voiceless victory scream.

I did it.

I got the approval.

Happy like that, I went over to Taeyongs desk who wore a sour expression.

But I didn't care as I planted my ass on the edge of his desk.

„Tae! Guess what? I managed to convince Yoongi for our project! A big applause for me!" I cheered.

„Nice." he grumbled and my happy face fell as I looked at him in disagreement.

My hand pushed his chest back, demanding his attention.

„What the heck is wrong with you? Someone forced you to eat your veggies?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and stared at him until I got an answer.

„Someone broke the printer again!" he miserably confessed and had his head hung low like a kid that was told that the trip to the amusement park was cancelled.

It took all of my strength to hold my snort back, knowing all too well who did it this time.

But for whatever reason, I decided not to rat Namgum out and stayed silent about it.

„What a bummer. I guess you have to phone the tech department again." I acted all pouty for him and he looked up.

„This is not funny, Jinnie! By now they must think that we are major idiots."

„ which we are, to be totally honest." I chuckled and patted his shoulder in sympathy and got up.

„Here I leave you these documents. Go over them and tell me your opinion about them. Let's meet in two hours and discuss?" I offered and he sighed, shook off the sadness that was clouding his mind and slightly grinned up to me.

„Yeah, lets do that. Good job at getting the Min-devils approval, by the way!" he then thanked me and held his hand up for a high-five I gladly took.

„You're very welcome, nobody can resist me, in the end", I winked and he groaned.

„Can you please stop that? We all know that you are very talented and hella attractive. Stop telling us all the time!" he seriously sounded annoyed.

I just laughed at that. „I'll only stop if everybody appreciates it!" and with that I picked up my papers and marched away, flipping my non-existent long hair.

„Idiot!" i heard him Mumble but I chose to ignore it.


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