I bit my lip as I realized what she asked taking my eyes again from her and looking at the abstract painting on her wall. My heart still was beating fast, but not because of Lacy intense gaze, but because my head is preoccupied with the blue-eyed devil. The girl who drives me nuts, but yet makes me forget the biggest problems in my life.

"What happened?" She asked again as I kept silent not wanting to answer the question of who is obvious for both of us.

"I don't really know... it's just, I don't wanna strangle her anymore. Well, a small part of still want to, but bigger not so much..." I shrugged making Lacy throw head back as she laughed loudly.

"Okay," Lacy said and paused to whipped an imaginary tear still chuckling for herself. "Jokes apart... what happened for real?"

"I got scared."

I mumbled ashamed of my actions. She probably is worried sick if she wakes up. We both tend to sleep late if we have a great night... the guilt filled my body as I imagine two blue eyes full of worry, but instantly shake that image out because she can't be worrying about me... I'm just a girl who she sleeps with and it happens she has to protect.

It's a win-win.

"Of what?" She quirked her eyebrows leaning closer to me, trying to get a better look at my face.

"Her... this feeling... I can't do it, Lacy... last time I fell for him... it was bad, really, really bad." I said stammering gesturing with my shaky hands and feeling my heart made a painful flip as I remembered how his brown eyes once filled with love change into one filled with hate.

"Hey, hey... you don't have to talk about it." She said softly pushing me inside her arms where I found strange comforting... the same I always found with Sophie. "How about we talk about something else... and later we talk about her. It's too early for me to talk... about my sister." Her words were calm and comforting making me relax.

"Okay." I nodded trying to pull away, but her grip tightened around my shoulders not letting me pull away.

We fell into a comfortable silence and I watch some movie Lacy picked... I wasn't paying attention to it, like before, my mind was wandered to the blue-eyed devil. In the morning when I woke up... or just felt like getting up because I didn't sleep at all, I sneaked out of the bed leaving her sleeping all alone and I just ran.

I couldn't be at the same place she was...

I needed a place to think or talk.

So I came to Lacy.

I felt my eyelashes felt heavy and my breathing calms down and I didn't even fight as the darkness consume me.

I was laughing at the joke Nathan said as we walked toward the house I lived. It was finally Friday and we have a whole weekend just three of us. Sophie's hand gripped my arm tighter as she looked at Nathan with something different in her eyes as he was still laughing with one of his big arms dropped around my shoulders.

I was suffocating from these two but didn't have the heart to get away from them.

We have a polite mood to Mr. Zack as he walked past us to the guest house where the whole staff lives. A smile tugged into my lips when the warm feeling filled my body of the thought I just got. I freed myself from my friend grip and just gave a wide smile to Sophie who had annoyed, but at the same time understanding a smile.

"Just... go." She muttered rolling her brown eyes and tugged Nathan arm towards the main house. The boy had a confused expression, but he easily gave in being dragged by Sophie.

I spun my body around fastly, almost tripping over my own footing, but manage to keep my balance as I run toward the staff house where I know he would be. Today it was his free day as Mr. Zach suggested to take care of me... I didn't ask him why he took a day off, but I didn't complain as he just told me to trust him.

My stomach was filled with excitement in of finally seeing after long seven hours being apart. I would always sneak from the school lunch just to be with him alone, but today I wasn't able.

I run past the garden, my black vans hitting stone patch as I finally came in view with simple one-story modern house. My heart tugged and I didn't wait as I got inside the house, ignoring the couple curious look from my dad bodyguard team as I run down the corridor to the room where I know he would be.

The large smile didn't falter from me not even from the second, not even then when bad feeling filled my body, but I push him aside, ignoring it and push brown doors open not bothering to knock because where isn't a thing I didn't saw on him. But that was the worst decision I ever made.

I felt my eyes filled with burning tears as I gaze at the scene of him hovering over Kristina, the made who was hired just a couple month ago as he kissed her passionately... the same he would always kiss me. My body was frozen and my mind was screaming to get out of there, run far away as I could, but my legs didn't move as the pain in my heart increased and I felt like throwing up.

The phone I was holding in my hand slipped, falling on the ground with a thud... the same as my heart did.

As if they both heard falling, their head wiped toward my side and Kristina gaze with confusion what I'm doing here and Elliot just looked with a blank face who made my heart hurt even more. His brown eyes didn't have the same look he always has when I am with him... it was without emotions. I couldn't be here... I should go... I need to go.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked ever Mr. Zach with comforting and at the same time knowing smile as he gazes at me. His bright blue eyes were filled with pity, but soon his gaze turned cold making me shudder at a place as he steps further to the room getting a grip of the younger boy who just broke my heart in thousand pieces.

"Get out." He hissed to him with a hand showing at the door.

I couldn't move even if I wanted, but I couldn't as I watch at the scene in front of me. "What?" Elliot asked furrowing his dark brows lifting his large form from the bed and fixing the white t-shirt he had on him.

"You heard me." Mr. Zach spoke loud and clear as his eyes blazed with anger toward the younger boy. "Get out... you're fired."

"Bitch... did you see what you just did?" He asked looking at me with his furry and hate-filled brown eyes who made my heart break even more as his words made a big scar in my soul.

I gasped trying to get the air in my lungs as I opened my eyes and found blue eye already looking at me, but it wasn't Lacy eyes... Maverick was looking with unreadable gaze back at me.

The images from the dream filled my head and I felt like throwing up. His eyes... his brown filled with hate... the same pain I managed to shut inside of me and live with my life... it was all back. Just one dream and I'm again seventeen years old girl who found the guy who she was madly in love in the bed with another girl. The same girl I hate with while my heart for being weak and letting myself fall for him.

I pushed Maverick away from me and let myself run to the doors who I assume is the bathroom and was correct. I locked the doors and looked at the mirror... at my puffy and swallowed face and eyes. My green eyes were the lightest I even saw them... they were filled with pain and hurt. I put a hand on my chest trying to stop myself from feeling that pain.

I don't remember the last time I even think of him or let alone dream. I didn't know who cause me to dream about him, but I have a guess something bad going to happen and I don't like that idea. He can't be a reason I'm going to break again... I need to be strong... the strong I never manage to be.

"Are you okay, princess?" A maverick muffled voice was heard outside the doors and I couldn't help, but flinch of how soft her voice was and made my heart beat in similar melody... the melody whenever I'm near her. "Open the doors... please."

I took a deep breath bracing myself of what's going to happen soon as I push myself from the sink and opened doors meeting with soft, sapphire blue eyes looking at me. Maverick cocked her head to the side with parted pink lips and brows being formed into the frown.

"What's wro,-"

"We can't do this anymore."

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