Homesick - Virgil van Dijk

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Hi, this is Katrina Wilhelmine, sorry I missed your call, just leave the message after the beep and I’ll call you back soon.”

Virgil takes a breath before a beeping sound in his ear. “Hi, it’s me, Virgil, again.” He chuckles before continue. “How are you today? I just want to say that I just finished training and I wanted to hear your voicemail.” Virgil stopped his words, looking down at his other fingers. “Alright, talk later.” He disconnected his call with long exhales before turn around.


He went home at his apartment in Liverpool after having a dinner with his club mates at Liverpool to celebrate the football club’s birthday and locked himself in his room. A face of a girl crossed his mind even before he can stop it.

Virgil reaches his cellphone next to him and dialed a number he found in one of his speed dial lists. Make a call before a voicemail greets him again. The same voice mail from girl with cheerful and familiar to his ears.

“Hi, I just want to say I just got home, in my apartment right now. I’m very tired but I’m really happy to be here. I bet you’d loved it here too,” Virgil chuckles and sat on his bed, running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t really know when I can come home.” He paused and sighed. “I miss you, and I love you, bye.”

He lies on the bed afterwards and throw his cellphone next to him, staring at the ceiling again as if it was attractive than anything else in this room. His mind wandering through the place he missed so much.


He felt like homesick this recently, be in Liverpool is quite fun, he liked it to be here. But there’s nothing can replace home, he missed to be around the peoples who care and loved him, and especially, he misses Katrina.
His eyes slowly closing down and it won’t take a long time before he’s entering his dreams.


Virgil!” Katrina’ voice startled him from his long thought. Virgil saw the girl next to him who was smiling right now. “What are you thinking?” she asked.

“Eh?” he saw his confusion, “nothing.” He cleared his throat, looked around where the peoples around them have moved through the exit door. They were in the movie theatre right now.

Katrina smiled. “The movie was over and I think we should get out from here.” She stood as gripped Virgil’s wrist and pulled him to follow her to out from the theatre. They’re just watched The Hobbit which just airing in all theatre around Netherland.

Virgil and Katrina went outside the movie theatre when he realized that snow has falling from the sky of December cold night. But Katrina maybe didn’t noticing that because she still gripped Virgil’s wrist and walked out before Virgil pulled his hand.

“What’s wrong?” Katrina asked, turned her face toward Virgil.

Virgil was pointing the snowfall. “Don’t you see the snowfall?” but Katrina looked at him in confusion. “We don’t even bring any umbrella to run to parking lot.”

Katrina laughed again, ignoring Virgil’s warning. “Come on, this will be fun.” She said, let Virgil’s hand go and ran under the snowfall. Katrina looked up and closed her eyes when snows were falling gently touched her face, cold and gentle.

Whilst Virgil just stood there, looking at the girl who was enjoying the first snow without word even without moving. For him, Katrina and the snow around her was something beautiful to saw. “Come on, Virgil, come here.” Katrina was waving her hand as a signed to Virgil to step closer.

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