The 6 hyungs were all crying after what he said. It wasn't easy, it will never be easy. They, themselves, don't want this to happen but in the end they'll still need to be apart from each other but the deep ties will forever exist.

Yoongi ran towards Jungkook and hug the younger tightly as he can, as time went by Yoongi managed to express his emotion freely, especially towards Jungkook. He makes sure he shower him all the love he deserves and now, consoling him as much as he could.

"Hush now, Kook. We will never leave you" he kept on uttering those words to him as he caress the younger's back. Jungkook may grow old but to his 6 hyungs he'll remain their baby.

The others went to Jungkook and Yoongi as they hug each other. Their group hug will never end. Them being BTS will come to an end but them being a family will never.

"Where's Bang PD?" Seokjin shouted.

"Why?" all of them answered while wiping of their tears. Confused on Seokjin's sudden question.

"I'm gonna buy his company" He declared that gained a glare to everyone.

"You really know how to ruin a heartwarming moment, do you?" Taehyung sarcastically remarked but Seokjin rolled his eyes

"Shut up, I'm not finish yet"

"Go on then" Jimin said, using his monotonous voice that gave chills to Seokjin but shrugs it.

"We'll name it after my name, it will be JinHit Entertainment, we'll work together here and live together till our last breath" the older confidently share his plan that gained him fake applause and sarcastic smiles.

"Sounds fake but okay" Hoseok mockingly said but the older just made face, sign of his defeat.


Jungkook was now outside of the building looking at it, things packed completely on his car but he thinks, he left a whole piece of him in the building and that makes it more harder for him to leave. The 6 hyungs are also done packing ang putting it inside their own cars. Some of their things will be delivered to their house 'cause those where to big to fit inside a car.

The 6 approached JK, and that made the younger to lool at them, sadness and pain in his eyes.

"We have to go now" Seokjin said, starting to get all teary.

"This won't be the last, we promise" Hoseok, trying his best to give the sweetest smile to JK

"Call me whenever you need someone to be with you, i'll come running to you" Jimin said as he broke down in tears and run to JK and hug him tight not wnating to let go. The younger hug him in return and caress his back and let him cry.

"Hyungie loves you, remember that. We will eat lamb skewers again" Yoongi declared that made Jungkook laugh a bit and the others as well.

"No one's leaving you, Kook. We'll be here for you, always. We'll always be your hyungs" Taehyung said while sobbing and everyone went crying as Namjoon spoke.

He put his two fingers forward inviting them to put theirs as well, they always do that before performing. Their group cheer. "Our friendship won't last but this will be our last shout as a team. BANGTAN, BANGTAN"

"BANGTAN" they all shouted and put ther fingers down and hug each other for the last time.

They separate ways and went inside their own cars. Everyone crying, hearts clenching, pain killing them and sadness eating them. Twas the saddest day of their lives.


During JK's ride back home, he just kept on looking at his hyungs pictures and videos in his phone. He tried his best not to try cry but after seeing a few of it he ended up crying like a baby, searching for his home. The driver whose been driving for him throughout the years felt the pain Jungkook was feeling, he knew how hard it is for him but he stayed silent and let the younger to let all the sadness out until he gets used to this new set up.

After minutes and hours of nonstop crying, his eyes felt tired and so he is. He let himself drifts to sleep and wait until he arrived home and let his mom console him, atleast somehow that will take some pain and sadness away.

An hour passed when the car stopped. The driver looked at JK andd he saw how deep his slumber is and didn't mind waking him up and leave a note for him, as he take out Jungkook's thing in the trunk and put it inside the house.

Jungkook woke up and felt the car isn't moving, a sign that they already arrived. He sat up and was bewildered when he saw an unfamiliar house, he was about to panic when he saw the druver seat empty when he spotted a small note on the rear-view mirror. He took it and read it.

'Don't panic. Go inside the house' that's what the note said. The younger was confused but still went out the car as he wore his back pack.

He walked towards the white house. It looks like a regular house, not too fancy. It looks cozy. He was at the front door when he noticed that twas a bit open. He carefully went in, "Hello? Anyone here?" he said, a bit nervous. 'Am i getting killed here?' he said to his mind.

"Eomma? Appa?, is this our new house?" he said a little louder, he turned his back and closed the door, suddenly his sight became darker.

"what the f-" he was about to hit whoever it was when he heard shouts saying, "SURPRISE". The blindfold was removed and Jungkooked turned around to see who it was, it was Jimin. He almost hit Jimin unknowingly and twas the members were the one who shouted.

"What's happening?" he looked at them puzzled and can't understand on what the hell was happening. Jimin hugged him and was the one who explained.

"We couldn't let you go too, Kookie. Namjoonie hyung bought a house before, secretly. He said if something like this happened, he wants as to stay together, if we want to. He informed as about this and we planned to surprise you. Sorry for making you cry first, Kookie."

"It wasn't fun seeing you cry, but it touches our heart every time you talk how we mean everything to you" Taehyung honestly said.

"You will never be alone, Kook", Yoongi.

"We told you, we will never leave you", Hoseok.

"I was serious about buying BigHit but Namjoom bought a house now for us to stay together, but i might buy Bighit in the future. Come here little one, we missed you" Seokjin said trying to lift the atnosphere which he successfully did for the others laughed a bit.

Jimin let go from the hug, he held JK's hand and pulled him to the other members whose arms are already spreading widely initiating for hug. Jungkook threw himself to them, and they all hug each other.

"Thank God, i have you in my life. Meeting you all was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you all so much" Jungkook said with happy tears falls on his eyes.

"We will stay young forever, together" RM said.

The house was filled with laughter and happy tears. Surely their bond will be the strongest and none can ever take that away. Music brought them together. It wasn't just history they made, they made a family to cherish forever. Jimin let go from the hug, he held JK's hand and pulled him to the other members whose arms are already spreading widely initiating for hug. Jungkook threw himself to them, and they all hug each other.

"Thank God, i have you in my life. Meeting you all was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you all so much" Jungkook said with happy tears falls on his eyes.

"We will stay young forever, together" RM said.

The house was filled with laughter and happy tears. Surely their bond will be the strongest and none can ever take that away. Music brought them together. It wasn't just history they made, they made a family to cherish forever.

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