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"Sit up and I'll rub it for you." He smiles.

"Okay, thank you."

Blake sits behind me whilst I push myself up. His warm hands slide under my shirt and he rubs my back. The pain subsides and I sigh with content.

"Do you like the paint colour?"

"Yes." I nod. "I think it was a good idea."

"I can't wait until we get to decorate."

"Really?" I chuckle.

"You're adorable when you nesting. Plus, I love seeing you happy when things look good. I also want this room to be perfect for us. Perhaps I'm feeling clucky too."

I lean against his chest and grin.

"We can decorate next week once the paint is done."

"Tori's parents want to take London to the zoo. I'm worried about it but it'll be nice since she hasn't seen them in a while."

"If they pull any funny business, they'll have a crazy, hormonal, pregnant woman to deal with."

"Mm, that would be hilarious to watch."

I shove my elbow into his side and he groans.

"Since I'm leaving work early, I thought I'd hit up the storage crate and bring some boxes home. Most of Lo's baby things are in there, the cot that needs to go back to Tori's father, and Ivan's clothes."

"Okay." I nod.

"We're ditching anything Tori purchased or old stained clothes. We can re-box Ivan's clothes and see what we can use for this little bub."

"Good plan."

"Mum and Dad offered to store baby clothes at their place since we don't have much room after all of London's unicorns."

"She's so sneaky about it too."

"Do you want me to help you with Ivan's things? I can put his boxes on the deck and we can tackle it on the weekend when I have more time."

I squeeze his leg and sigh.

"No, I think I should be okay."

"It's okay if you're not."

"Nope, I'm going to do it."

Despite my stomach churning, sorting through his things is something I need to do. If I can face Tori in court, I can sort through his things.

"Alright." He kisses my shoulder.

"We have so much to do until this little one comes."

"If we're busy enough, time will fly and soon enough, we'll be sitting in this room with our baby."

"Even though I'm terrified of the labour, I'm excited to meet her." I smile.

"Or him. I'm still holding out hope that the woman got it wrong."

"It's a good thing we have clothes for whatever happens." I chuckle.

* * * * *

Blake takes the paint roller and tosses it out of the window. It flies into a bush and I gasp. He shakes his head while I sheepishly smile.

"I told you to sit down."

"Hm, I think I recall you saying that." I chuckle.

"Since the roller is dirty, you have to listen to what I say." He smirks.

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