Jade: first warning is me telling you to stop and the second will be me throwing you out a window. Okay?

Sun: don't mind Neptune, Jade!

He separated the two scared for Neptune.

Sun: I've seen this guy beat up some very questionable things. You don't want problems with him.

Jade was very calm about this and wasn't threatening him. But he does pull up a chair and sits next to Weiss.

Weiss: what were you two talking about?

Jade shuffled around her cards as his spider-sense helps him with risky moves.

Jade: I accidentally told Pyrrha my life story.

Weiss was surprised but didn't let it get to her. But it was now Pyrrha who knew the most about Jade besides Lily.

Weiss: do you know how to play this?

Jaune: can I play now!

He sees Blake's empty seat and ran over and sat down.

Ruby: let the games...commence!


Back in the dorm room, Everyone walks in.

Yang: Jade was cheating and I know it!

Weiss: your just mad.

Yang: Dang right I'm mad!

As they get further into the room Blake quickly moves towards the door. Weiss was about to stop her until a web line stops her from touching the doorknob.

Jade: Blake-

Weiss: Blake you've been quiet, antisocial, and moody.

She points at Blake as Jade dropped the web.

Yang: uh, have you meet Blake?

Weiss: which I get is kinda of your thing, but you've been doing it way more than usual. Which quite frankly unacceptable. You made a promise to me, to all of us that if something happened you would let us know what's wrong. So Blake belladonna!

She jumped into the air and hits a few front flips before perfectly balancing on a chair on its back legs. She gets right in front of Blake and points to her.

Weiss: what is wrong!

After a few seconds of staring, she gets off the chair and puts it back then moved back over to Blake.

Blake: I just...I don't understand how everyone can be so calm.

Ruby moved to the front of Yang while Yang moved to lean on the bunk beds. Jade being himself jumped up to the ceiling to hang from it.

Ruby: you still thinking about torchwick?

Blake: torchwick! The white fang. All of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it.

Jade: you don't know that. For all, we know the police could be doing something about it right now.

Blake: Jade, you know what I mean and you know it!

Yang: Ozpin told us not to worry. Like Jade said the police and the Huntsman could be doing something right now. I'm sure they can handle it.

Blake: well I'm not!

Jade just thinks "damn don't got faith in no one".

Blake: they don't know the White Fang like I do.

Everyone looked to each because she was sorta right.

Weiss: Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom. I'm sure the three of you think your all ready to go out there and apprehend these criminals! But once again most of us are not ready!

Blake: and we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just gonna sit around and wait for graduation day. They are out there planning their next moves!

She points somewhere but it was just for effect.

Blake: and none of us know what it is!

Jade: I mean I can take a pretty good guess to what it might be with the info that I have.

Blake: I'm giving a speech!

Jade: sorry.

Blake: but it's coming and it doesn't matter if we're ready or not!

Ruby: all in favor of becoming the youngest huntsman and huntresses to single handily take down a corrupt organization conspiring against the kingdom of Vale! ....say I!

At the end of all her poses, she crossed her arms awaiting her team's response.

Jade: ehh, I've been doing this for, like, three or four years. So you already know I'm in!

Yang: yes! I love it when your feisty!

She points to Blake.

Weiss: Well, I suppose it could be fun.

Ruby leans away slightly sad.

Ruby: none of you said I...

Jade sighs.

Jade: I.

Ruby: yes!

Blake: alright then. We're in this together.

Ruby strikes another pose.

Ruby: let's hatch a plan.

Jade: I already did.

Yang: what? That fast?

Jade: Yeah. What do you take me for? Some kind of idiot?

Ruby gasp as she comes to a sudden realization.

Ruby: I left my board game in the library.

Ruby runs away as Weiss puts her hand on her face.

Weiss: I'm glad Jade came up with the plan...

End of chapter 2 volume 2

Spiders Mark [discontinued]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz