(15) Unforgettable sick day!

Start from the beginning

"Shhhhhh, just be quiet...." He smiles at you. You were so dumbfoumded. After awhile, Karamatsu and Choromatsu got the carpet and layed it down right infront of your bed. You slowly make your way onto the carpet and sit on it, it was really warm and cozy but you were a little bit cold.
"Guys, Im kinds co-"
"HERE'S THE BLANKET!" Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu yelled as they kick down your bedroom door.
"MY DOOR!" You yelled at them.
"Uuhhh we'll fix that later!" Ichimatsu brushed it off and quickly wrap you around with the very comfortable blanket.

"Mmmm! So 'sniff' coozzyyy...." You say as you melt into the blankets warmness.
"Hold up, we're not done yet!" Osomatsu says as him, Choromatsu and Karamatsu got up and stood by the doorframe.
"We'll be the ones to make you food!" The three said in unison, you look at the youngest trio and they didnt look like they were so hyped about it, neither did you.

"A-are you guys sure that you can c-cook on your own? We're seven!" Your eyebrows gently narrowed up and eyes filled with concern.
"Oh we're sure! We cooked something once before!" Karamatsu showed off.
"THAT WAS WHEN WE PLAYED COOKING WHEN WE WERE FIVE!" Todomatsu complained, clearly not on board with the idea. The older trio just ignored him and said ' That everything will be fine and that they're not gonna burn the house down.'

They soon left to the kitchen which means theres only you, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu.
"They're gonna burn my house down....." You sigh, earning an 'Mmhmm' from the other three.

"So, uhh, (Y/N) kun, do you feel any....eermm, better?" Todomatsu turns to you, you hesitated a bit before nodding gently.
"See? Our love and care is working!" Jyushimatsu raises his hands up.

"Not until our older brothers cook some poisonous stew for him, then he'll die" Ichimatsu laughed, although no one else is laughing with him.
"Ichimatsu nii-san! Dont say that!" Todomatsu says as he hugs you tightly.
"Oh come on guys.....it was just a joke!"

Then the four of you hear what seems to be the sound of pots and pans falling from the shelfs, the sounds are coming from downstairs.

"I.....think they need help..." You rub your eyes. The younger trio looks at you for a minute before shaking their heads
"Naaah" They said in unison, you gave them a 'I really wanna help them but since you guys told me not to then I guess I'll just sit here' sigh.

You look to your left to see that Jyushimatsu is about to kiss your cheek but you quickly pushed him back, he gives you a sad look.
"(Y/N) k-kun? Whats wrong....?" He said with an upsetting tone, you suddenly felt bad for him. You hate it when a single one of the sextuplets feel left out, unimportant, especially unloved.

"Jyushimatsu kun, I'm sorry b-but you can't kiss me right now. Im sick, remember...?" You forced a smile at him. He frowns
"But....I dont care..." He mumbles, goshdarnit, he's using those puppy eyes that you could never stand.
"Look Jyushimatsu kun, I dont want you, or the rest of the sextuplets to be as sick like me. But don't worry, you'll get ALL the kisses you need when Im healthy again!" You touched foreheads with him but only for a second.

"But.....that could take FOREVER!" He exclaims, you chuckled before reassuring him more. You could juat feel the other two getting sad aswell.
"(Y/N) kun, you just-"
"DID SOMEONE SAY STEW?!" Osomatsu screamed out of nowhere, carrying a bowl of stew. Karamatsu and Choromatsu was behind him.
"No one.....said....stew..." Todomatsu glanced around.

"Hmh! Well no need, cause we made stew for our special boy!" Osomatsu smiles as he gazed at you.
"You guys probably somehow made it radioactive without putting anything radioacrive in it." Ichimatsu rolled his eyes.
"No its nawt!" Karamatsu scoffs.

"Anyways, (Y/N) kun. Go try it!" Choromatsu says as he puts the bowl of stew infront of you. You stare at it for a while before gagging.
"See? He doesnt like it!" Jyushimatsu folds his arms as he glares at the older trio.
"Hey, it taste better than it looks mkay?" Osomatsu grins, although he's trying not to gag himself.
"Why does it smell like fish?!" Todomatsu quickly pinches his nose.

"It does? I swore I put chicken in the stew....." Karamatsu scratches the top of his head while Osomatsu is giggling, I WONDER WHY.

"I.....dont think I can eat this...." You coughed and look away. The three younger trio looks at the other older trio with a smug look as if they're saying 'Hah! We younger kids are right'

"Oh come on! Its delicious....err, here I'll t-try it....." Osomatsu said before looking at the green-ish stew and gulped. He slowly picked up the bowl of smelly stew while everyone else is looking at him with shocked faces.

Is he actually gonna eat it?!  They all thought.

Osomatsu's hands are shaking like crazy, at some point, he almost spilled some to the ground. When everyone thought he wasn't actually gonna do it. Osomatsu took a BIG gulp of the stew. Everyone's mouth was agape, they were all starting to compliment Osomatsu about how brave and cool he is for drinking the stew.

But when everyone least expected it....... Osomatsu started throwing up on the floor.


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