Chapter Sixteen

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I decided to watch her everyday. For weeks. As North and the others tried to think of a plan to bring her present memories back,I let myself stalk her. From her house,to her school,and to the boys who try talking to her.

Tiffania Summers is cute,alright ? She's an innocent 17 year old girl who wanted to have any friend… And I'm here. I've always been by her side. But… She never knew.

Sighing,I walked after her as she held her books near her chest.

People gossipped around her. She held an innocent smile,greeting teachers happily. Who just waved without a word. Meanies… I'd like to freeze their mouths if I can.

"Look,there's ice following her…"


I blinked,stopping and turning to a pair. Ice…? I gasped,then looked behind. They were right. Ice followed me as I walked behind her. Agh,darn it,Frost !

"Witch !"

A kid yelled,making Tiffa stop and blink. More of them called her that,and it started ticking me off.

She clutched her books tight,then made a run as garbage were tossed and thrown at her. I flew after her,sighing.

Some of her classmates watched her. Laughing,one of the boys placed a foot out on her path. And it happened. She tripped,gasping and dropping her stuff.

"Hey !" I looked at the boy,then sent frost around his foot. Tiffa trembled to stand,tears slowly streaming from her eyes as she picked her things up quickly.

As she ran off,a paper fell off from one of her books. And it landed right in front of me. Blinking,I took it,taking a look.

A picture of her and a guy. Us, to be exact. My human look,I mean. She was hugging me,and I was making a playfull grin while tugging on that small strand of hair of hers.

Sighing,I placed it in my pocket. Then,flew off to find her.


I slumped down on my bed,letting my stuff scatter around messily. I hate it… When is this life going to end ? I hate the way everyone laughed at me. Ignored me. Hated me.

Laying on my back,I cried silently. Why am I even here if no one would consider me as someone ? Maybe if I turn to a wisp,no one would care. In fact,I'd like it. No more hate.

Actually… There's one… No,not really. Jack ? He's my best friend,anyways. But where is he ? I don't see him anymore… Even in school.

Maybe he's gone too. It increased my sadness. Of all people,why him ? Why would he leave ? Where is he ?

Sitting up and deciding I'm not important enoogh to live in earth anymore,I took a deep sigh. I stood up. It's better than living in a small world full of loneliness.

But I heard my windows cracking. Blinking,I turned around to look at it.

Frost started covering the window glass. Oh… It's winter,alright… I sighed. But lines started forming in it. It drew a bunny… Ooh,my favorite animal !

It then turned into a 3D figure,then came to life. It was made of frost. Jumping around as small sparkles of ice followed,it jumped around me,which made me laugh a bit.

Then,another went by. A butterfly. Oh,I like it too ! It was awesome ! It started flying around,together with the bunny. And as the small ice started pouring around me,I suddenly felt… Happy. Laughing,I look up and chased after them. Running around and reaching for it.

And as I touched both,it exploded into sparkles of snow. Easing down my laughters,I watched it disappear.

Then,I found an envelope in the window sill. I ran to it,carefully opening the window and taking the envelope.

Ice features ? Cool ! I giggled slightly,opening it.

Inside,there are two papers. One,a picture of me and Jack. Two,a letter written in a cursive handwriting,which looked familiar… And it was printed by ice.

I took the paper out. Blinking,I read the words out loud.

"Don't be upset,"

I blinked.

"I'm always here beside you,watching. Everywhere you go."

Huh ? Where ? I looked around,but there's no one.

"Oh… And take note…

Your laugh is amazing. Use it."

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