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"J-jack ! S-slow down !"

"Nope !"

The spirit of winter laughed at my rants as he spun me around the frozen lake. I huffed, holding on tightly on his hands. "When did I even agree with this ?!"

"When you freaking kissed me that day." He smiled, slowly stopping. I felt heat rush to my cheeks. Jack, you freaking... Ugh.

"T-t-t-that was-"

"Two years ago." Jack patted my head, chuckling. "But meh, we live for eternity. Two years is a short time." He waved his hand over my head, and I felt ice on it. "Tada ! A flower crown ! Sincerely made by Tiffania Summers's boyfriend." Jack laughed.

"It'll melt, Jack." I said with a sigh.

"Nah." He took my face in my hands, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I don't command it to melt, so it won't." He smiled. I blinked, and turned red, blushing. "F-fine..."

Smiling, Jack took my hands and pulled me up, flying. I flew with him, blinking. "Where are we going, Jack ?"

"...I want to ask you something." He mumbled. "But first... Wind ! Take us to the sea !"

The wind happily obliged. Giving off strong blows, the wind brought us there in just minutes, it's direction running near the sea.

Jack laughed, taking my hand and staring down at the water waves. "Tiffa, I want you to watch, ok-"

Suddenly, black sand swirled from a distance, and took over him in a second. I gasped, frowning in worry. "Jack !" I sent fire at the sand, which didn't really do anything than to take Jack away. I growled, flying after it.

"Pitch is fcking back for the fifth time ?!?!" I yelled out in rage, fire blasting around me. "When will that btch even die ?!?!"

Just when me and Jack were having fun... Ugh...

Tears welled up in my eyes. "I'm happy already, stop messing with my fcking life !"

"Cursing, are we ?"

I blinked, and glared, turning around. "Give Jack b-"

It was him. Jackson Overland Frost. He was wearing a large grin, playing with a snowflake around his hand, his other twirling the staff.

"...Huh." I turned fully, flying up to his level. The flames slowly left, and I stared. "B-but the black sand jus-"

"Yeesh. You melted the ice flower crown." He grumbled, and turned to the snowflake, making more and creating another one. "Here you go, princess." He smiled, putting it over my head.

"I-if that wasn't you... W-who was that...?"

"Me but it's a part of the plan." He shrugged. I stared at him, before growling. "You scared me ! I thought Pitch's back AGAIN, I thought you were kidnapped and-"

"Will you marry me ?"

I froze, and stared, surprised. "I'm sorry, what was that ?"

"I said, will you marry me ?" He repeated, smiling. I turned red, and steam blew off from my ears. "J-J-J-JACK FROST YOU FREAKING IDIOT, OF COURS-"

"Can I take that as a yes ?" He chuckled, using the G-like part of his staff to grab me around my waist, pulling me to him. I blushed harder, looking up at him with wide eyes.

He sighed, holding my face in his cold hands. "You're such a kid." He smirked, and kissed... Me on... On...

On my lips.

I got out of my small trance when he pulled me closer. I smiled slightly, and kissed back, placing my arms on his shoulders.

Jack pulled away, smiling. I giggled, tilting my head to the side slightly. "Don't do that again or I'll give you third-degree burns." I laughed. Jack placed his forehead on mine, nodding. "Of course."

"Yay ! It worked !" Tooth squealed from the bushes, which was far off because the we're on air. "Aish. So the hot kid and the immature cold kid fit together." Bunny crossed his paws, snickering. North chuckled. "It's like Naughty and Nice-they're opposites and likes each other."

Sandy nodded in agreement. Tooth patted his head, giggling. "Good work on the fake black sand, Sandy !"

Jack turned to them, and winked, sending a snowflake. I laughed, following his gaze and waving at them.

My name's Tiffania Everie Summers. How did I know that ? The moon told me so. Loving your opposite is kinda hard, but... No one said it's forbidden.

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