Chapter Six

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"Woohoo !"

I laughed a bit as Jack flew off. Tooth sighed,watching the boys go on the race. "I have a bad feeling about this…" She crossed her arms and watched them run and fly off. North entered houses by chimneys,Bunny with his holes. Jack and Sandy were flying off.

I looked over at Tooth. "Where should I start ?" I asked,holding a small bag. Tooth giggled a bit. "Burgess. There are lots of kids in there." She smiled. I smiled back,nodding and flying off.

"Hey Summers !"

I blinked,turning to see Jack. He smirked,holding a bag full of teeth. "Race you to Burgess !" He chuckled,flying off. I blinked,before grinning.

I sent fire at his tracks. Jack gasped in surprise,stopping and dodging the slightly-lit ashes coming his way. I laughed,then sprinted forward.

"See ya around,Frost !" I turned and gave a soldier salute,then left him behind.

"Hey ! That's cheating !" I laughed more as I heard Jack's rants. "Not for me !" I said in a tune,before starting to collect teeth in every house I pass through.

But I was only able to collect 10. Because Jack practically sent ice and snow on every house I plan to take teeth in. And before I can even melt it,he already got the teeth.

I headed to the last one. And luck,Jack was on his way too. "Hey Tiffa ! How was my ice ?" He chuckled,his snow white hair flying a bit as he flew. I rolled my eyes,letting my orange hair fly backwards. Huff. Good thing I partnered this sundress with leggings.


"Not for me !" Jack laughed,mimicking my voice and tune. I just grumbled in annoyance.

We both got in the house. Of course,we have to be quiet. Jack smiled as he saw the kid. He sat on the window sill,placing his staff against the wall. "Jamie Benett. He's my first believer."

I looked at him. "Really ?" I blinked. Jack gave a nod. "Like you,no one saw me for 300 years. But that was 11 months ago." He made frost patterns in the window glass,before standing up. "I wonder what he did this time. He lost a tooth before when I led him to a sled ride." He walked over to a drawing taped in the wall. I slightly smiled.

"Maybe he's an energetic boy." I shrugged. Jack chuckled. "Take the tooth. I already took a lot from his friends."

I nodded,carefully taking the tooth under his bed and replacing it with a quarter. Jack blinked,before looking startled. I turned to him,blinking. "Uhm… What's wrong…?"

"Well… I forgot to place quarters…"

I blinked,before starting to laugh. "Hah ! You lose then !" I smirked. Jack scratched his head,ruffling his white hair as he let his blue eyes look sideways. "North and the others did too. Maybe they'll put gifts under every kid's beds cause I know they won't remember who they took teeth from." He laughed. I giggled a bit.

The kid started shifting. I quickly shut my mouth up. Jack did also. "Yeesh… Close call…" He muttered with a small chuckle. I nodded,sighing. "Yeah…"

"Well,let's leave before he wakes." Jack went over to the window,taking his staff. I gave a nod,then started walking.


Both of us tensed up. We exchanged looks,before slowly turning to Jack. "U-uh… Hi,Jamie." He smiled,watching Jamie sit up and rub his eyes.

"It's summer today… Is winter coming now ?" He smiled in excitement.

"Not really… But I can make tomorrow a snow day if you'd like." Jack shoved a hand in his pocket. Jamie sat up,nodding excitedly. "I'll tell the others about it !"

I smiled at the boy. But I don't think he can see me. Oh,silly me. He can't.

"Where are the others ? Why are you here alone ?" Jamie asked in confusion. Jack looked at me,before looking at him. "Well… Pitch has attacked Tooth palace again so we pretty much had to take the teeth…"

"Really ?"


Jamie yawned a bit. Jack chuckled. "Go to sleep,Jamie." He patted the kid's head,then went to the window. Jamit smiled,before nodding. "Good night !"

We both left the house. I slightly laughed. "He sure is energetic…" I commented. Jack gave a nod. "Heck yeah."

Silence. Awkward silence enveloped both of us as we slowly flew off. I can feel Jack's eyes looking at me minute after minute. But I chose to stare forward.

"Aren't you upset ?"

I blinked,turning to Jack. He wasn't looking back. He was looking straight forward. "Of course not." I replied with a small laugh. He sighed,looking at me. "He didn't see you. While he can see me. Don't you think that's unfair ?"

I wanted to cry. That was the truth. But… In front of someone who didn't shed tears while in this state ? It's too embarrassing. We're not even friends… I just know his name,that's all.

"I'm used to it." I smiled. My tears were asking me to give them freedom. To let them and my true feelings go. And say what I really feel about how the whole world can't even see me…

But I can't.

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