Hybrids (2)

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I gasped, sitting up from the - the bed?  I looked around, My heart hammering in my chest from my memories of what happened before I blacked out.  None of the surroundings were familiar.  The guy.  Me blacking out.  Had he taken me to his house?  Oh God.  I was in a bed.  Oh please, God no.  I looked down at myself.  My clothes were still on, so were my boots.  That was a good sign.  And I wasn't tied up or anything.  I moved to the side of the bed. . . And felt my whole body ache in absolute pain.  Especially my head and stomach.  My hand flew up to my head. 

"Ow. . ."

I stood up slowly.  I needed to get the hell out of here.  I didn't care that I didn't know where I was.  I needed to get away.  I looked around.  It was a bedroom.  Queen sized bed.  White walls, and clothes strewn all over the place.  Mostly black t-shirts and skinny jeans- Wait.  Skinny jeans?  The guy that had knocked me out was in his forties, and he definitely wasn't wearing anything like skinny jeans, nor had his style even suggested so.  There was also some bandanas lying around along with different pairs of Converse. The more I looked around the more confused I got.  I looked around once again, trying to locate the door.  It was to the right of me, I got up and walked towards it, placing my ear against it, listening for any type of voices, anything at all.  All I heard was the smooth humming of an air conditioning system.  I carefully twisted the door knob, and slowly opened the door. At first only opening it a crack to see what was outside. 

There was another door across from this one and it was shut, and then next to it, another door was open, revealing a bathroom.  I looked to the right and saw a hallway and stairs leading down to the first floor.  It was still quiet.  I walked out of the bedroom quietly, tip toeing down the hallway.  I looked down the stairs, peering over the railway to see if any one was there.  It was dark, but there was a slight glow at the bottom of the stairs to the right.  I looked down the stairs, and it was basically all black, like ink, exceot that the light cast everything almost into a dark shadow, instead of the never ending blackness of ink.  To the left of the stairs was a living room with 3 couches put into a U shape, and then there was one door on the wall that was facing me, and then on the wall next to that door was another door.  My gut told me that throuh one of those doors was my freedom.

I took another look around, scared that at any second now someone would see me, or catch me.  And maybe it was just me and my over reactive mind and the fact that I had watched too many psycho thrillers and horror movies, but if I got caught, I didn't want to end up like  someone from the Saw movies.  I shivered at the thought, and also placed my foot on the first step , now wanting to get out of here at the thought of my skull being crushed by some weird type of machinery that psychos had. 

I took another step, and another, being careful because I didn't know if there were any creaking floorboards.  I got to the bottom of the stairs, andI started walking quickly towards the doors, but then I heard the sound of voices hissing at each other.  I stood still for a moment trying to make out what they were saying, but it took a few seconds till I could hear them over the pounding of my heart.  But even then all I could make out was mumbles and such.  The voices were coming from behind a swinging door (that's what I assumed since there was no handle) and the glowing light was coming out from underneath the door.

I moved closer towards it, trying to make out what they were saying till I was 3 inches away from the door, stupid, since it could swing open at any moment.  But after all it was curiousity that killed the cat. 

"Why the hell did you bring her here, Sephan?"  One voice asked, sounding nor mad or happy, just irritated. 

"What was I suppose to do?  Leave her there so that fuckin' pervert could rape and then kill her?"  Another voice said. 

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