The Light

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I stood up and saw two hammocks ready, Teresa was already in one. I slowly got on the other one and swayed, I couldn't sleep, not anymore at least. Newt said that he was coming back, isn't that against the rule of 'No boys'?

"We're not safe here" Teresa spoke aloud, still swaying in her own hammock. I looked at her, titling my head ever so slightly "What are you talking about?"

Teresa sat up from her hammock to face me, her eyes in deep thought, "There's a reason why you're here. Mine was because Thomas killed a Griever, you appeared for a reason... Things are moving because of us and the others don't like it, maybe even Newt"

"But Newt never said-"

"No, he didn't. But that doesn't mean that that's not what they're thinking, especially Gally."

Teresa sighed "I'm sorry, you just got here, you're my only girl-friend here. I don't want you to get hurt because of them and because of an unknown reason to why were even here"

I nodded, "I understand" I perfectly do, we're a threat to the others, they'll want to get rid of us. Even Newt.

Knock Knock, someone was at the door. Teresa and I looked at each other suspicously, she motioned me to stay back as she grabbed a stick and opened the door. Behind it was Newt with a torch.

"Bloody Hell, what do you think you're going to accomplish by hitting me with a stick?" he grinned and saw me behind Teresa, and who was also holding a stick.

"Sorry, I forgot that you were coming back" I sighed as my muscles relaxed and Teresa took both of our sticks and placed it at a corner. Newt smiled "I'm hurt," clearly he wasn't "Come on, follow me"

Again, Teresa and I looked at each other, which has been happening a lot since I got here, and we both followed Newt outside of the hut.

It was dark, only a few torches were lit and there was no one in sight. "It's lights out" Newt clarified. "Where are we going?" Teresa asked as Newt led the way.

"You'll see" was all he said.

We were approaching, what seemed like a wall. "I thought we weren't allowed here?" Theresa asked. "We're not entering," Newt turned to the side of the wall and illuminated the wall with his torch, "Carve your name here, from now on, you're one of us. A Glader"

"Here in the Glade, we have our rules. Break them, you get punished." Newt hands Teresa a knife, she nods and carves her name beside Thomas'. I looked at the other names, those that have been crossed out. I'm guessing that they're 'gone' for good.

"Come on Greenie, no time to gawk at other people's names, your turn" I turned to Newt, who was giving me a knife with a grin on his face, "Newt, what is this place? Being a part of the Glade, what exactly do we do?"

"Here in the Glade... we're one big family, we look after each other. Being a part of the Glade means to be a family member" the stern look in his eyes show how much he means every single word of it.

"Alright, a little vague from what I'm really asking but ok" he chuckled "That's how Alby would answer" Teresa smiled "I'm going to check on Thomas, see you two later" she left us.

I grabbed the knife and started carving my name near Newt's. "Do you remember anything Newt? From before you got here?" Newt leaned on the wall with the torch still in hand "No, I'd remember everything that's happened till now, but before this? No"

I absently nodded, maybe Newt wasn't the boy, maybe it was someone else. "Do you remember?" he asked, "I remember you're name and this connection that I have with you, I just can't put my finger on it but I know it's there" I finished carving my name on the stone wall and looked at him.

The Keeper of the Light (Maze Runner Newt)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara