The Mall

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Minho and Thomas checked the entrance, "Looks safe!" Minho shouted. "It's a slide drop from this window to the ground" Thomas explained "Let's get down there before the sun sets"

The two went first, then Newt and I followed behind. The sand created a slide going down but we almost tripped. I landed on my butt, Newt smiled as he helped me up. Winston sat and slid down while the others followed him.

With our flashlights out, we could only see a little of the mall. "Okay guys, let's see if we can find anything in this creepy place" Thomas muttered before leading the group.

Creepy was right. Newt held my hand as we walked through the darkness, there were abandoned shops, old and broken items on the floor, and sand. Everywhere.

I could hear the sounds of our footsteps echoing in the dark. "Do you think anyone's down here?" Tim silently asked. Logan sarcastically answered "Yeah, totally. A bunch of Cranks that is."

"Not helpful man" Mike muttered before turning to the corner, "Hey guys! I think I found something!" We found him standing In front of a store, it had its bars down and you could see that there are supplies inside.

"Good job Mike. Thomas, help me lift this" Minho crouched down and held the bottom of the bars, Thomas followed his example and waited for Minho's signal. "Now"

The two lifted the bars up, locking them in place. We started rummaging through the items, I saw that there were clothes in one corner and was drawn to it.

The others split up to look for more supplies, Newt and Frypan stayed with me here.


Newt started packing his bag with the snacks he found in a container. Frypan was filling up the water canisters while Lana wandered off to look at clothes.

In fact, they all needed to pack some clothes. Lana sat by the corner on a makeshift bed, there were obvious signs of people living here before. She wondered where they were right now.

Something caught her eye, the clothes on the bed made her hand twitch and instinctly grab it. She suddenly remembered the necklace around her neck.

Looking at it, she saw that it matched the shirt on the bed. Red. It was probably her favorite color.

Newt couldn't help but stare at her from afar, a small smile playing at his lips. "You done with the food yet?" Frypan deliberately called out.

Newt stammered and coughed "Ah. Nope." Frypan now turned to face Newt, his brow raised with a teasing smile. "You know..." Newt sighed "I know! Now is not the time to be distracted"

Frypan shook his head "Actually, I was gonna say the complete opposite. There isn't anything trying to kill us in here, might as well enjoy the peace before we get out and back into hell"

Newt opened his mouth to say something but immediately closed it. Frypan sighed "You should enjoy the view" he turned his head and Newt saw what he was looking at.

Lana was stripping her coat-jacket off. Newt pulled Frypan by the chin to turn his gaze away from her and to his instead. "That's my girlfriend you're staring at Fry"

To be honest, Frypan wanted to laugh, but instead, he smiled "Well if you won't enjoy the view then might as well I help myself"

"Hey peeping Toms! You should come and see this!" Aris called out. Lana, now fully clothed, raised a brow "Peeping toms?"

Newt smiled and shook his head "It's nothing, love" he grabbed Lana's hand as they followed Aris into the next room.

They paused when they saw a bunch of mattresses blocking their way. Logan and Tim tried pushing them but it wouldn't move. "What do you think this was for?" Jace wondered aloud.

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