We needed to be careful tonight, and I couldn't let Sam get too crazy and brave.

I had thought about telling Shawn the truth tonight, about how I had lied about Sam and everything. I still felt way to bad not to do something about it and she deserved some credit because she had been on her best behavior the entire break.

According to Shawn anyway, I hadn't seen Sam since my party.

She had been working her ass off, staying out of trouble, and off of the alcohol. Shawn had also said she hadn't smoked a cigarette in a week.

She was trying hard.

I had layered up nice for tonight, making sure I would have enough clothes just in case we ended up outside. I knew everyone would be popping fireworks at the nearby neighborhoods so we would be outside closer to midnight.

Then I heard my phone ring out, and the screen read that I had a text from Shawn.

I opened it, You coming or not? You're the only one not here!"

I sighed, typing a quick response, On my way now.

Then I locked up the house, heading out the door and towards my car in the parking lot of my apartment complex. It was cold but nothing I wasn't used to, the hard cold didn't come till mid-January, and there would be another cool front coming in later this week.

So I was grateful it hadn't hit below 50 yet.

I made my way to Shawn's, knowing it wouldn't take me long considering I lived all but ten minutes away from his apartment. I thought about who would be there, and what Sam would be doing when I got there.

Was she planning on drinking tonight?

I pulled up into the parking lot, seeing quite a few cars and recognizing a few. I was familiar with most of them, which led me to feel a bit more comfortable about going inside.

I walked up to the door, knocking and waiting for someone to let me in.

And to my surprise Sam answered the door, "Hey Megan."

It seemed as if something had changed about her demeanor by the way she was talking to me. She seemed happy to see me but also not happy to see me, and I didn't know how to take this.

I responded very confused, "Hey?"

She let me in and closed the door, allowing me to see everyone that was here. I recognized Danna, of course Naomi and her girlfriend, Blair and what seemed to be her boyfriend, Shawn and some unfamiliar face that was talking to him.

She was tiny, her long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders and down her back. I couldn't see her face because she was facing Shawn, who soon noticed me and called me over to him, probably to introduce me to the stranger in his home.

I walked up slowly, looking back and seeing Sam rejoin Blair and Blair's boyfriend, who looked a bit older than Blair.

I returned my attention to Shawn as he spoke, "Erin, this is Megan, she teaches American History at the high school Sam goes too. Erin's also an English teacher."

I turned my attention to the blonde in front of her, her big, soft blue eyes taking me in and holding out her hand, "Nice to meet you, Megan."

I took it, taking notice to the softness and smiling, "Likewise." I glanced past her at Sam who had been watching us, but pulled her gaze away when I looked. I spoke to Erin, "So how do you know Shawn?"

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now