Chapter 12

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(A/N- Hey! I just want to let y'all know how thankful I am to have such supportive readers like you. Thank you so much. Anyway, I decided to start writing that Loki/OC today, for some odd reason. I might be slow with that, because of all I have right now( exams, Tumblr, etc.). So, thanks, keep reading, vote, comment, and enjoy! Live long and prosper.)


Sherlock and Jane ran out of the building, being followed by a panting Watson and Lestrade. Sherlock easily hauled a cab for all of them, and let Jane slip in first. He squeezed against her, as John and Lestrade joined them. Lestrade took the passenger seat, as John sat next to Sherlock. "No eye contact, the two of you," said John as soon as Sherlock turned his face towards Jane. He huffed and Jane gave him a glance which said "We'll continue this later". Sherlock gave the address as the cab took off. The entire ride was silent, apart from the 'dings' of Sherlock's and Jane's phones. When John tried to see who Sherlock was texting, he would shield his phone from the doctor's curious gaze. 

In some time, they pulled up at 221B Baker Street; John and Lestrade confused, but Jane seemed to understand. They got out and Sherlock unlocked the door, leading the way towards Mrs. Hudson's door; as he stopped and read the door which read '221c'. Sherlock called for Mrs. Hudson, before examining the padlock on the door.

Soon, Mrs.Hudson opened the door of 221A with a set of keys, and handed it to Sherlock. He took the keys and began unlocking the door. "You had a look, didn't you, Sherlock, when you first came to see about your flat," said Mrs.Hudson. Jane was leaning close to the door and observing the door. "The door's been unlocked recently," she stated. "No, can't be," said Mrs.Hudson. "That's the only key." Sherlock pulled the padlock, and took another key before fitting it in the keyhole and turning it. "I can’t get anyone interested in this flat. It’s the damp, I expect. That’s the curse of basements." Sherlock opened the door and went inside, followed by John and Lestrade, as Mrs.Hudson kept rambling. ""I had a place once when I was first married, " continued Mrs.Hudson. "Black mould all up the walls ..." she trailed behind the three as Lestrade shut the door in her face. "Oh! Men!" she exclaimed as she turned to leave. Jane gave her a peck on the cheek before opening the door and going inside. 

The four of them carefully entered the living room, which looked exactly same as it did in the picture. However, there were a pair of trainers in the middle of the room, its toes pointing towards the door. "Shoes," stated John, earning a glare from Jane for stating the obvious. Sherlock slowly walked towards the shoes, beckoning Jane to come forward. She steeped forward, as John said,"He’s a bomber, remember." Sherlock and Jane moved forward and crouched near the shoes, Jane observing them from the top and Sherlock lying on the floor and observing the shoes from so close, that his nose almost touched the trainers. 

Suddenly, a phone rang and Sherlock and Jane jumped up slightly. Sherlock momentarily closed his eyes and got up, taking off his gloves and reaching for the pink phone from his pocket. Jane got up and stood next to him. Sherlock looked at the caller ID, which read 'NUMBER BLOCKED'. Sherlock paused for a second before answering. 


A woman drew in a breath before answering in a shaky voice, "H-hello ... sexy." John and Lestrade shared a confused glance, as Sherlock glanced at Jane. 

"Who's this?" asked Sherlock.

Tearfully, the voice said, "I’ve ... sent you ... a little puzzle ... just to say hi." 

"Who's talking? Why're you crying?"

"I-I’m not ... crying ... I’m typing ...and this ... stupid ... bitch ... is reading it out." The woman on the other side sobbed quietly, as Sherlock gazed into the distance thoughtfully. 

"The curtain rises," he said slowly. 

"What?" asked Jane.

"Nothing," he replied. 

"No, what did you mean?" she repeated.

Sherlock half- turned his head towards her and said," I've been expecting this for some time." What he did not know, was that Jane already knew about Moriarty's plan, and was, in fact, enjoying this game. 

"Twelve hours to solve ... my puzzle, Sherlock ..." the crying woman said. "... or I’m going ... to be ... so naughty..." With that, the line went dead, and Sherlock let out a breath he was holding. 

Without a word, Sherlock put the phone back in his pocket, and put on his gloves before picking up the shoes carefully. "Lab," he said, before putting the shoes in a plastic bag and leaving. Jane followed him, leaving a very confused and worried john and Lestrade behind. When they got out, Jane hailed a cab and said," St. Bart's," and let Sherlock climb in first. Lestrade hailed a different cab to Scotland yard, and john joined the two in the back of the cab. 

The ride was silent as always, each one of them lost in their own thoughts. As the cab came to a halt, Sherlock got out and walked to the lab. Jane followed him, leaving Jo9hn to pay the fare again. Jane walked after Sherlock, entering the lab after and putting on a pair of latex gloves which Sherlock handed her. The two of them carefully examined the shoes, carefully examining the laces and peering at them from all directions. Jane carefully took some mud from the treads of the soles and put them in a petri dish, before taking it to a microscope. 

Sherlock's gaze followed Jane, as he thought about how she would be the only person who would volunteer to be partners with him during science class. He thought about how Jane could be related to Moriarty, and how he could use her in the game the two were playing. He decided that he would not let Moriarty take his Jane away, but little did he know, that Jane already belonged to the devil and loved him.


(A/N, dated 27.3.15. - Heya! I had made a mistake in this chapter as I repeated a certain line twice. Thanks to @Wordsforlove, I have edited it. Thank you!)

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