Chapter one

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This story is from your point of view as of now. I don't know if it will change later on

"Hunny wake up"dad said while shaking me " your graduations in a few hours"
"Shit.."I groaned.
"Be downstairs in an hour then we'll go" dad said.
"Wh...what about mom, is she coming" I asked nervously.
"I don't know baby" dad said with a very apologetic look on his face
So that definitely was a no. It's not really a surprise she's not coming she's never here. But for crying out loud IM GRADUATING HERO SCHOOL that should call for her to show up for once. I slipped on a (you pick one of these as your superhero outfit. It wouldn't load so I guess use the image to this chapter)

I pulled my medium length h/c into a high pony. I walked downstairs to see dad in his hero clothes too. Ugh great now we're gonna get mobbed by fans.
We arrived at the school and I had to backstage with Harry, Spider-Man and Mary Janes kid. He's my only friend to in this school of stuck up  mini hero's. Everyone automatically hates me cause moms a villain.
"Poison Harrow" the headmaster called
I walked into the stage to accept and pledge my loyal to be a hero. I can feel all the other parents glaring even the headmaster doesn't trust me. Hey, I mean evil is in my blood but that makes me the more powerful ;)

Update-I just reread this and it's kinda bad so if you bare with me it gets better late on trust me
Hey guys author here. Hope you liked that just a small recap so you completely understand your background
Your name is your own
Your hero name is Poison Harrow
Your dad is Batman
Your mom is poison ivy
And yeah this one is super short but I've lengthend them a lot

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