Afraid {{ Lisanna and the world

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Couple: Lisanna and the World

Inspired by: Afraid by the Neighborhood

Requester: ~

- - - - - { afraid } - - - - -

I descended into the void that separated Edolas and Earthland. Stars guided me home, like stepping stones, then flickered out when I passed them. Every movement was labored; it felt like walking through jello.
Finally, my voice drifted through the expanse and then reached my ears, as someone else had said it. Finally I can go home.
Earthland trembled beneath my feet; or perhaps it was I who was trembling.
With a quivering stride I walked. I passed through slumping gray towns with faceless people. They moved like marionettes; every movement was predecided by someone else. They had no movement of their own, no ownership of their own bodies, and so they automatically submitted.
I walked on.
Finally, I saw my goal. A shimmering tower of tinsel and all things fine, encircled by gardens of roses and tulips, caressed in sunlight and warm summer breezes. My heart fluttered like a wild bird.
Two white-blonde heads came into view. Mirajane. Elfman. Then a pink-haired boy, dancing around with a flying blue cat. Natsu. Happy.
My husband, another impersonator voice called out, and our child.
More people began to appear. I walked on. My breath began to hitch, my heart pounded, every synapse in my body firing. Home. Home. I'm finally home.
As I got closer, a door on the tower I hadn't seen before opened. Birthed from the glorious building stood another white-blonde girl, with blue eyes and gloves.
Me. She was me and yet not me. A doppelgänger? A twin?
My siblings smiled at her, full of love, and it made my heart ache. They enveloped her in a hug. Happy perched himself on her head and nuzzled her. Natsu told her a dumb joke. Everyone laughed and smiled.
My chest had been pried open and my happiness cruelly ripped from me.
They didn't need me. Someone else had filled my place.
I blinked.
They disappeared. Stars zoomed around me. I was sucked back up into the sky, where I would remain. Untouchable. Unneeded.

- - - - -

"Lisanna, Lisanna, Lisanna," a hushed, firm voice chanted as two hands shook me. "Wake up. Wake up."
I opened my eyes, framed by wet eyelashes, to see the outline of my sister in the darkness. I had come to identify her night-cloaked features quite well; I couldn't sleep alone since I came back from Edolas; the night terrors had become a pattern.
I couldn't see her face.
I sucked in a breath of air to calm my twitching lungs and immediately expelled it in a sob. A low, agonized whine slid from my throat.
"Oh, no, Lisanna, don't cry," Mirajane cooed and pulled my face into her bosom. "Don't cry. It's okay. It's okay."
I cried into her chest. "I'm sorry," I said between gasps and groans.
Eventually, my tormented sobs and screams waned into pitiful whimpers. Mirajane brushed my hair with her fingers. I lifted a hand to wipe my tears away, but she grabbed it gently. I ripped my nails again.
Mirajane let out a heartbreaking "no, honey", and I sniffled, thankful that in this darkness I couldn't see her expression.
"Was it the dream again?" She asked softly. I nodded.
"We could never replace you, Lisanna," Mirajane whispered. "I know," I said quickly.
"You don't have to lie," She placed a kiss on my head. "I know it was scary being gone for so long. I'll keep telling you until you believe it."
"I love you."
"I love you too, Lisanna. Let's go back to sleep."

- - - - - { afraid } - - - - -

Before anyone asks: no, this is not Sisterstrausshipping. This is just lisanna's platonic relationship with her sister and her fears of being replaced. Don't even go there.

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