Taking charge {{ Freed & Laxus

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Couple: Freed Justine and Laxus Dreyar

Scenario: Freed is sick of subtlety, and decides it's time to go get his man.

Requested by: XFreedXJustineX

- - - - - { taking charge } - - - - -

This was it. The last straw. Freed had been ignored one too many times by that golden-haired devil. Subtlety was getting him nowhere. What was the point of classiness if it wasn't appreciated? What good had his naturally apathetic demeanor awarded him? Laxus was just as clueless as always.

No, he was going to have to try something a little different. And this different involved clever timing, deceit, and a favorite bar-tending centerfold.

"Mirajane, may I have your help with something? I suspect you will be glad to provide it once you hear the details."


"Hey, Laxus," The white-haired barmaid called from the banister. "I heard Freed is looking for you."

Laxus' blonde brow quirked upward in suspicion. "Oh? What was it about?" Surely, Freed would have come to get him if it was that important. Mirajane seemed to pick up on his thoughts because she quickly said "I'm not sure, but he seemed angry, so you should hurry."

Angry? Now Laxus really was confused. Freed's entire personality consisted of being uninterested, composed, and distant. He was openly showing emotion? Anger, even. Laxus was concerned. That was so unlike Freed. The green-haired rune expert only showed intense emotion around him, Laxus, and even then sparingly... What was wrong?

The lightning Mage turned on his heel without saying a word and set off toward the spot where he knew he would find Freed.

"Hey, Mira, what's Laxus going off for?" A non-sober but still functioning Cana asked with a gesture toward the speed walking blonde. "I haven't a clue," Mira sighed, but turned away with a smile that said otherwise.


Laxus was deep in thought. Accordingly, he did not pay much attention to his physical surroundings, being as he was so immersed in wondering why Freed was behaving so strangely.

All of these things made conditions perfect for Laxus to fall right into the trap. Which he was approaching right about....Now.

"What?!" Laxus yelled in alarm and fury. Walls of purple runes sprung up around him and he soon found himself trapped within the magical boundaries. His rage grew larger when he identified the runes as Freed's handiwork. Was this all some kind of ruse? Was Mirajane in on it too? He was going to kill someone. "Come out here, Freed! I know you did this!" Burst of static sprouted from his fingertips before crackling away.

Surely enough, the dapper young mage soon appeared, dressed in his usual attire of a formal coat. He seemed unbothered by Laxus' statements, but he did not seem calm in the slightest. He looked just as Mira had described - angry. Laxus was taken aback(but not enough to quell his ferocity). Of course, Freed's anger was, in comparison to most people's anger, very mild - but the fact that Freed was openly expressing any anger was deeply disturbing. Because he was usually so calm, the intensity of his emotion seemed to be magnified since it was just so odd. "So nice of you to show up, Laxus," Freed's voice, the same soothing tone, carried on the wings of the wind. When Laxus heard it, he could detect the fury laced within his words. He was not sure how to act; so he continued on with his rampage.

Fists clenched and teeth bared, Laxus spoke directly to the green-haired gentleman approaching him. "Freed, get me out of here right now!" Freed only laughed - a sarcastic, venom-filled laugh - and crossed his thin arms over his frame. "Excuse me, Laxus? You do not seem to be in any shape to make demands. Who's runes are you bound within, again?"

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