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It felt like every moment in their friendship had been building to this. As though every wish that Bucky whispered into his cupped hands for the fireflies to carry off was finally coming true. And Bucky was overjoyed with getting to feel Steve's lips against his own. Even though he knew that they shouldn't be doing this.

Begrudgingly, Bucky pulled back from the kiss. Trying not to thrill too much at the way that Steve chased after his lips, so he could keep kissing him. But who was Bucky fooling? Both Steve and himself knew that Bucky loved it. Hell, maybe the whole world knew.

Yet, Bucky knew that he had to do this. Although he didn't enjoy watching Steve be with Sharon, Bucky couldn't do this to her. Despite not liking her as Steve's girlfriend, didn't mean that he didn't like Sharon. As a person, she was someone that Bucky could see as a friend. As Steve's girlfriend, however? Not so much.

"Wait," Bucky told Steve, placing a firm hand on Steve's chest to hold him back. Biting back his grin when Steve rested his forehead against his own, Bucky asked, "What about Sharon?"

For a moment, they stood there in their own silent little bubble. The fireworks coming to their big finale could still be heard, but the only thing that Bucky could focus on was how erratic Steve's breathing was. Especially with the knowledge that Steve was only breathing so harshly because of their shared activities.

"I don't know," Steve honestly answered. Swallowing thickly, Steve averted his gaze. Bucky could swear that even with the minimal light they had, he could see a blush blooming on Steve's cheeks as Steve admitted, "I didn't think I'd get this far."

"Get this far?" Bucky repeated with furrowed brows. Steve nodded his confirmation and Bucky questioned, "What does that mean?"

Steve shrugged, "Thought I'd chicken out like the other times."

At that, Bucky leaned back, so he could really look at Steve as he gleefully asked, "What other times?"

Steve's eyes went wide. Almost as though he didn't mean to say that. Worrying his own lower lip with his teeth, Steve sheepishly stated, "C'mon, Buck. Like you didn't know."

"I didn't," Bucky informed. Almost desperate now, Bucky pressed in closer as he begged, "Steve, I didn't know. I don't know."

"God, you're so oblivious," Steve good-naturedly scoffed as he brought his hand up to caress Bucky's cheek. Breathlessly, Steve teased, "You're lucky you're cute, because god knows you'd be a lost cause otherwise."

"Hey," Bucky playfully protested and started tickling Steve's ribs. Even closer than they usually were while tickling, their bodies were practically flushed along one another's as they stumbled to the side of the house.

With Steve's back pressed against the side of the house, Bucky stopped his tickling, but didn't remove his hand from Steve's torso. Even through the light material of Steve's striped tank, Bucky could feel the warmth of Steve's body and shuddered. Locking eyes with Bucky, Steve confessed, "I wanted you to kiss me. That day. When we got into the pillow fight."

Bucky recalled that day well. Why wouldn't he? That was the day when he got hard by simply tickling Steve. Something else that he remembered flashed through his mind then. Steve had given him a look. As they laid on the floor with Steve beneath him, Bucky remembered thinking about how peculiar Steve's expression had been. Only now did it make sense.

Pressing his lips together, Bucky refrained from pressing them against Steve's. There was nothing that Bucky wanted more than to kiss Steve. But not like this. Not with Sharon being there. Not with Sharon being Steve's girlfriend. So, putting aside what he wanted, Bucky dropped his hand from Steve's side and took a step back.

Steve's expression fell, his lips ticking down, and Bucky clarified, "You have Sharon."

"I have Sharon," Steve confirmed, looking as though he had momentarily forgotten about his girlfriend altogether. Then, Steve's expression twisted into one of guilt as he scrubbed his face with his hand. His shoulders started moving with his ragged breath as Steve apologized, "Fuck, Buck, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Steve," Bucky started, reaching out for Steve. He could tell that Steve was mentally beating himself up for kissing him. And although, Bucky wasn't happy about Steve kissing him while he had a girlfriend, that didn't mean that Bucky wasn't happy about Steve kissing him.

"Bucky, I'm sorry," Steve apologized again.

Clearly disappointed in himself, Bucky's heart broke. Sure, Steve's plan was ill conceived, but...

"You don't have to apologize to me," Bucky reassured, stepping closer to comfort Steve.

"Right. I need to apologize to Sharon," there were tears building in Steve's eyes as he continued, "And to Connie."

Bucky's brows furrowed as he asked, "Why Connie?"

"'Cause I made out with her boyfriend," Steve answered with a shrug.

"Oh," Bucky remembered. Steve didn't know that Bucky was single. So, Bucky ran his hand along the back of his own neck and sheepishly explained, "I, uh, I'm not, um... dating... anyone..."

"Oh," Steve's brows furrowed with concern as he asked, "When did you break up? Why? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Bucky reassured. Fighting the smirk that wanted to tug at his lips, Bucky informed, "We broke up after graduation."

"Oh," Steve said, averting his gaze down, to the ground.

Bucky swallowed down the lump that was forming in his throat, worried that Steve would be angry with him. Or upset with him. Instead, Steve softly chuckled and said, "I guess, birthday wishes do come true."

Summer In Your Eyes: Seasons Series 1 (Lifeguard!Steve x Bucky Barnes Summer AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora