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Bucky had intended to fall asleep at a decent time. Expecting to fall asleep by midnight at the latest. Hoping to get a good amount of sleep, so he could be refreshed for the next day. Whether he spent time with Steve -- which Bucky really hoped that he would -- Bucky wanted to be refreshed.

However, when the clock ticked on with no luck of falling asleep, Bucky sighed and reached for his phone. For a moment, Bucky scrolled through his different social media accounts before growing bored of those and trying to think about what else he could do to pass the time.

It was then that a banner slide down from the top, showing a new text notification. Nothing out of the ordinary. A simple, hey. Then, quickly followed with an, are you up? Sure, it didn't happen often, but not unusual. What was though, was that it was from Steve. Bucky had saved the blond's number as soon as he discovered it earlier. But it still didn't deter his heart from stuttering in his chest as another message came: It's Steve, by the way.

"Oh my god," Bucky chuckled to himself, situating himself on his bed. Once he was more comfortable, he replied, Yeah, I know.

Faster than Bucky assumed, Steve sent: Right, lol. Forgot I gave you my number. What are you up to? I didn't wake you, did I?

No, you didn't. I was already awake, Bucky reassured. Then, his brows furrowed and he questioned, Wait, how did you get my number?

Chewing on his lower lip, Bucky wondered if he should have mentioned it. After all, he should've just been happy that Steve texted him in the first place. Why did he have to ruin it by questioning it? In his frustration, he couldn't help but chastise himself, you're a god damn idiot, Barnes.

Just then, he received Steve's text. It was simple, to the point. Steve's answer: Nat.

Of course, Bucky scoffed. Before Bucky could send a message back, another one was received. She's pissed at you, ya know.

What? Why? Bucky asked, even though he was pretty sure he knew why Natasha would be angry with him.

You went to the pool without her, came Steve's reply, solidifying Bucky's assumptions.

Sighing, Bucky quickly texted: You tell her about Clint not being there?

Duh, Steve messaged back, causing Bucky to softly chuckle. Then, Steve sent another, You think I'm an idiot?

And although they weren't in the same room, Bucky could hear Steve's scoff. Bucky missed Steve all the more. Craved to be near him. To hear his voice. To hold him close. It was all that Bucky wanted.

I mean, I am. But that can be our little secret, Steve texted. Bucky worried his lower lip with his teeth as he watched another message come in. A simple, shh.

It'll be our little secret, Bucky teased and immediately regretted it. Nearly facepalming in the dark of his room at just how inexplicably lame he was.

Good, Steve replied. The butterflies were still fluttering in Bucky's stomach though, and with the second text, they didn't look to be going away anytime soon. Just the way I like things.

Biting back his own grin, Bucky reread the message. Just the way I like things. What did that even mean? Just the way I like things. It didn't make sense to Bucky. Scrolling a bit, Bucky reread the entire exchange. Paying close attention to it all. Especially, But that can be our little secret, to Bucky's agreement, It'll be our little secret, then to Steve's simple, good, and, Just the way I like things.

Just the way I like things.

Bucky just couldn't make sense of any of it. He wanted to believe that Steve was flirting with him. But he knew that he shouldn't get his hopes up. That was how they always talked. How they used to talk, at least. And Steve had never mentioned being attracted to guys. Even if he was, that didn't mean that he was attracted to --

Shaking his head, Bucky attempted to forget those ideas before they cemented themselves in his brain. Bucky needed to remind himself that Steve was his friend. Only his friend. And his friend was in a happy, loving relationship.

That's what Bucky reminded himself to hold onto. Especially when Steve messaged him, I'm really glad you're back.

With his heart stuttering in his chest as he admitted, Me too.

Chewing on his lower lip, Bucky debated admitting more. Before he could, Steve replied, Good.

I really missed you.

Bucky's breath hitched. Absolutely melting by Steve's casual confession. Settling further into his bed, Bucky pressed his lips together and sent one of his own: I really missed you too, Stevie.

Summer In Your Eyes: Seasons Series 1 (Lifeguard!Steve x Bucky Barnes Summer AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang