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At around three, it was obvious that Tibby was ready to head home. Of course, Bucky wasn't ready to go. And judging by the way that Mandy and Becca were flirting with some of the local boys, Bucky could easily tell that they weren't ready to leave either. Tibby, however, was done.

Cranky, Tibby rubbed at her eyes. Then, she angrily hit her palms on the water. Sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet submerged in the water, Bucky rubbed Tibby's back. Hoping to give Tibby some comfort.

It didn't exactly warrant the reaction that Bucky was expecting though as she whined and moved out of his reach. Bucky's brows furrowed and he ducked his head, so he could be eye-to-eye with his sister as he asked, "What's up, Tib?"

"I can't... get the water... off my face," Tibby whined, quickly approaching a meltdown.

"Well, you're in the pool..." Bucky trailed off, watching his sister while feeling eyes on him.

"I know!" Tibby squealed in frustration, slapping her palms against the water again, causing the water to splash up onto her face. Only causing Tibby to grow more frustrated.

As Tibby started to sob, Bucky stood in the pool and picked Tibby up. Tibby buried her face in Bucky's soft t-shirt and Bucky rubbed soothing circles in her back as he carried her out of the kiddie pool. Once on the cement, Bucky padded over to his chair and picked up the fluffy blue towel.

"Everything okay?" Steve asked while Bucky attempted to wrap the towel around Tibby's small body.

"Yeah," Bucky reassured, obviously struggling.

"Here," Steve offered, taking the corner of the towel that was about to touch the ground. "Let me help."

Simply holding Tibby as Steve draped the towel over her, Bucky just stood there, watching Steve. Wondering how such a small gesture could make Bucky's knees go weak. Yet, there they were, feeling like jelly. Bucky's eyes were fixed on Steve. How his golden skin was shiny from the sunblock and was pink from it being hot while the sun beamed down on them. His blond locks were tousled and Bucky itched to tangle his fingers in the silky strands.

"There," Steve softly stated, giving Tibby's back a soothing rub while leaning back to smile up at Bucky.

Shyly returning the smile, Bucky said, "Thanks."

"No problem," Steve bit his own lower lip, dropping his gaze to his feet.

Bucky watched as a red hue -- one separate from the sun and the heat -- started blooming over Steve's cheeks. Pressing his lips together, Bucky wondered how someone could look so cuddly and so seductive at the same time. It just wasn't fair.

The clinking of the gate caused both boys to snap their attention towards the entrance to make sure that none of the kids were trying to escape. Instead, it was a mom of one of the kids. A mom who had no qualms of flirtatiously winking at both boys as she herded her child out of the area.

Shocked, Bucky turned to look back at Steve. With a quirked brow, Bucky asked, "That happen a lot?"

"Kinda," Steve confirmed with a sigh. Raking his hand through his hair, Steve turned his attention to Bucky and asked, "You taking off?"

Despite not wanting to leave, Bucky couldn't keep his sister there. Tibby had calmed down some. She wasn't crying, but she wasn't okay either. Bucky reluctantly confirmed, "Yeah, we probably should."

Steve nodded, crossing his arms along his chest, "Okay." Then, he suggested, "You should text me later. If you want."

"Okay," Bucky eagerly agreed. Then, he picked up his own towel and left the kiddie pool area. Glancing over his shoulder to find Steve watching him as he carried Tibby over to their sisters.

Mandy and Becca were lounging off to the side. Soaking up the sun and passively flirting with a couple of boys. Bucky knew that they wouldn't want to be interrupted, but with a glance down at Tibby's half-lidded eyes, Bucky knew that it was time to leave.

"Hey," Bucky greeted the small group while shifting Tibby on his hip.

"Hey," Mandy cautiously replied, clearly annoyed by Bucky joining them.

Using his head to gesture towards the parking lot, he informed, "Time to go."

The other teens were quiet for a moment before one of the boys said, "I can always drop them off later."

"That's okay," Bucky declined and looked at his sisters, repeating, "Time to go."

"Um," Becca started, getting ready to argue.

"Hey," Steve announced, taking his place next to Bucky. Bucky looked over at Steve, and then past Steve to see that another blonde had taken his place guarding the kiddie pool area. Returning his gaze to Steve, Steve asked, "Ya need a ride?"

"No, that's okay. We should --"

"Yes!" Mandy and Becca accepted for Bucky. Mandy smiled up at Steve and flirted, "It'd be really helpful."

"Well, helpful is my middle name," Steve teased.

A little annoyed by how his sisters were practically drooling over the boy that he usually drooled over, Bucky took in a deep breath and handed the keys over to his sisters. Becca went to take them, but Bucky held them out of her grasp and handed them to Mandy while instructing, "She drives."

Becca rolled her eyes and Mandy said, "Don't worry, I'll make sure everything goes smoothly."

"That's actually not reassuring," Bucky admitted with furrowed brows and a smirk.

"C'mon, they can take care of themselves," Steve reassured, placing his hand on Bucky's shoulder, slightly turning him. Not knowing that Bucky would willingly follow him to the ends of the Earth.

Summer In Your Eyes: Seasons Series 1 (Lifeguard!Steve x Bucky Barnes Summer AU)Where stories live. Discover now