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As it grew later into the night, the group moved to disperse.

"Well, shit," Clint sighed, standing from his seat on the sectional sofa. "Gotta make it back for curfew."

"Alright, man," Steve smiled, holding his hand out to Clint. Companionably, Clint slapped Steve's hand before grabbing it and helping Steve stand. Wrapping his arm around Clint in a loose, comforting hug, Steve requested, "Text me when you get home."

Playfully, Clint rolled his eyes and pulled away from Steve's embrace as he cheekily questioned, "Don't I always?"

"Still," Steve stated, meaning it.

Bucky assumed that Steve would take his seat on the sofa once they were done, but he didn't. Instead, Steve stretched his arms above his head. Almost able to touch the ceiling and causing his tank to ruck up. Showing even more skin than he already had been with the deep cuts in the sides of the tank. Bucky's gaze immediately drifted to that soft patch of skin stretched tautly over the ridges of muscles that hadn't been there before.

Bucky had been so preoccupied that he nearly missed Clint's goodbye, "It was nice seeing you."

Trying to clear his mind, Bucky agreed, "Likewise."

Clint smiled and briefly glanced over at Natasha. Forced nonchalance, Clint suggested, "We should most definitely hang out again."

"Definitely," Natasha agreed with an intriguing grin.

Just past Natasha, Bucky noticed Sharon's knowing smile and couldn't help but allow his lips to also quirk up in the same behavior. As though Sharon and himself were in on a secret. In a club. Which they kind of were, if one considered that they were both head over heels for the same guy.

"Alright," Clint dramatically sighed and headed towards the door while calling out, "Later!"

"Bye," Sharon called out, waving widely even though Clint's back was towards her.

Sharon stood then. Reluctantly, she too claimed, "Gotta go."

"Are we still on for the drive-in this weekend?" Steve asked as Sharon placed her hands on Steve's hips.

"As far as I know," Sharon smiled up at Steve, and Bucky had to look away.

Unfortunately, Bucky didn't miss the sweet kiss they exchanged. Nor did he miss the look that Natasha gave him. One of sympathy. Of pity. A look that Bucky didn't want or need. He had received enough of them over the past four years to loathe them entirely.

Trying to ignore the rest of the kisses that the two blonds shared, Bucky wondered if they were ever going to stop. Seriously, Bucky was sure that even when he and Connie were dating, he wasn't like this. Or at least, it didn't seem like it.

Especially not when he had that little voice reminding him of his crush.

"Okay, I'm leaving now," Sharon blushed, stepping out of Steve's embrace, only to be pulled back in again. Thoroughly demolishing any hope that Bucky had briefly built up at her departure.

Giggling, Sharon permitted Steve to press a few more kisses to her smiling lips. Wanting to gag, Bucky forced a smile on his face when Sharon finally moved back from her clearly infatuated boyfriend.

"I'll see you both later. It was really nice meeting you both," Sharon genuinely, gleefully grinned. Waving on the way out of the basement.

Leaving Natasha, Bucky, and Steve. It had been years since the three had been alone together. And maybe that was why Natasha stood from the sectional sofa as soon as Steve returned to his seat beside Bucky.

"I should probably get going too," Natasha stated, looking between the two boys.

Despite not wanting to leave, Bucky reluctantly stood from his seat. As Bucky wondered how he was going to say goodbye to someone that he wanted to spend forever with, Steve stood from his seat again. Bucky wasn't sure if they were going to hug or if Steve was just planning on showing them out. Bucky would trade either for just a few more minutes with Steve.

Quietly, the trio headed up the staircase, following Nat. Slipping on shoes, Bucky noticed that Steve did too. He was curious, but wasn't going to voice it. Not even when Steve followed them out the door.

"Shit," Natasha heavily sighed, shoulders sagging. She exaggerated, "I forgot that I drove."

"Oh, right," Bucky nervously chewed on his lower lip. Debating whether he should ask Steve for a ride home.

Bucky didn't need to internally debate for long though. Especially not when Steve readily offered, "I can take you home."

"You sure?" Bucky asked, holding his breath as he awaited Steve's confirmation.

"Yeah," Steve stated, that wide grin tugging at Bucky's heartstrings. Steve continued to reassure, "It's no problem." However, he didn't have enough decency to ask Bucky, "If that's okay with you."

"Thanks," Natasha answered for Bucky.

Steve kept his gaze on Bucky, so Bucky nodded his own answer. "Great," Steve replied, his grin getting even wider as his whole body lit up. Heading back to the split-level, Steve held up a finger and said, "Give me a minute to get my keys and wallet."

"Yeah, okay," Bucky agreed, his eyes never leaving Steve's frame as he hurried back inside his house.

Of course, Bucky could feel Natasha's gaze on him. And because he could feel her gaze, Bucky directed his attention to her. Just in time to see her suggestively wiggling her eyebrows. As though this was her plan all along. Which, who knows, maybe it was.

Returning, Steve twirled his keys around his index finger and asked Bucky, "Ready?"

"Yup," Bucky eagerly answered.

Perhaps too eagerly. Looking over at Natasha, he could tell by her expression that maybe it was. Thankfully, Steve didn't catch it. Or, at least he didn't react to it.

As Steve climbed into his truck, Bucky gave Natasha a quick hug. With her mouth close to Bucky's ear, Natasha whispered, "You owe me."

Smirking, Bucky shook his head and pressed a caring kiss to Natasha's cheek and pulled away from her freakishly strong embrace. Making his way over to the truck, Bucky teased, "I'll be sure to mention you in our vows."

"That's all I want," Natasha winked and crossed the street to her house.

Summer In Your Eyes: Seasons Series 1 (Lifeguard!Steve x Bucky Barnes Summer AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz