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It's been almost a year. A year after Chloe broke up with Beca. A year after Chloe chose to be with that army guy, Chicago.

A lot of things have happened especially in Beca's career. When the redhead broke up with her, she felt that her world suddenly stopped. Everything was worthless for Beca. She tried winning the love of her life back but she failed miserably.

With that, Beca poured all her attention in her work, writing, producing and releasing songs. In less than eight months, she released her album containing ten songs, all about love and heartbreaks. Everyone was surprised when her album went into platinum after two months of releasing it and her management wanted her to go on tour in which Beca was all up for since she did not have a social life anymore.

After the breakup, she put all her walls back up again, even with the Bellas. True, they all were in an acapella group in college and they formed a sisterhood bond, but to Beca, being in touch with them just brings back all the memories she and Chloe had.
But with the help of Cynthia-Rose and Theo, she managed to "move on" and focus on her career more.
After months of planning, Beca Mitchell is starting her North American tour and the first stop will be in New York.

"Great" Beca puffed. New York had a lot of her and Chloe's memories. After they graduated, both of them decided to move to New York with Fat Amy, sharing a small apartment. Beca didnt care where they lived as long as she's with Chloe. Then they went for the USO tour and that's where Chloe met Chicago.

"Mitchell, you ready? The place is packed" CR said as she poked her head into the brunette's dressing room.

"Yeah. Still cant believe I'm doing this tour" Beca glanced at her friend slash assistant. "Did you see the Bellas yet?' she asked.

"Yeah. They're all in the VIP booth" CR replied while scratching her the back of her neck.

"All of them?"

"Um. Yeah. Emily, Fat Amy, Flo, Jessica, Ashley, Aubrey and Chloe"
CR said, saying the last name a little bit quiet.

"Okay then. I guess its show time" Bec said as she stood up from her chair and put her jacket on.

When Beca learned that New York will be her first stop for her tour, she wanted the Bellas to be there, after all they are family. They supported her when she was just still a small town DJ and were always there whenever she spins at some clubs in Atlanta.
She could not have invited Chloe as she knew that the Bellas were her life so she reluctantly asked CR to send everyone tickets to her concert.
Whats more surprising was that the Bellas group chat became active again and was talking about having a mini reunion as well after the concert and every one agreed to it including Chloe.

"How you doing New York?" Beca asked and the crowed went crazy.

"First up, I would like to thank you guys for making this tour happen. Never in million dreams I would have thought this will become reality." Beca said.

The concert went well. Beca had a total of 18 songs which are divided into two sets. She sang, she danced and she even went down to the floor to meet some of her fans.
She would always take a glance at the VIP booth where all the Bellas are and she can see them singing along and dancing too.

"Okay, New York! This is my last song. It's one of the songs in my latest album and I'm pretty sure you know the words to it so sing it with me okay? This one's titled "Curious"." Beca said as she went back up the stage making the crowd go wild again.

Writing this song has been one of the outlets Beca used to let her pain go out. This song was of course, about Chloe.

I need a drink, whiskey ain't my thing
But shit is all good
I can handle things like I wish that you would
You've been out of reach, could you explain?
I think that you should
What you been up to?
Who's been loving you good?"

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