Song 2 You

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Beca Mitchell was the first member of their family to go to college. It's not that they were lazy or stupid, it's because they can't afford it. So by the time Beca graduated high school, she made sure she got a scholarship to go to Barden University to pursue a music degree. Her family was against her chosen major but eventually  supporting her because she was really amazing when it comes to music. Not only in producing music but she played the piano really good. That's why when Beca auditioned, Barden gave her a full scholarship.
Ever since then, Beca had been working hard to maintain her grades and being able to support her expenses by working in the university's radio station and by DJing at a local club near the campus every weekend.

Chloe Beale an heiress to the Beale Industries. Everything she needed and wanted was handed to her. Everybody thought she's just a rich, spoiled brat but that's not the case. Every person who got to know her personally will say that she's very down to earth and she would not act as if she had money. But other people still would not look at her that way. She surprised everyone when she chose to go to Barden University even if she can easily go to an Ivy League school. There's been a lot of whispers among the family's company about this decision and when Mr. Beale can't take it anymore, he held a meeting announcing that whoever will comment about his only daughter's decision will be fired immediately. The whispers stopped.
Chloe loved Barden and even volunteers during the freshmen welcoming.

And that's where Chloe Beale met Beca Mitchell..

When Beca confessed to Chloe that she likes her, Chloe can't help but to smile and hug the brunette. She also revealed that she has been hiding her feelings towards Beca for almost a year now and that it started during the activities fair.
Beca kissed Chloe and the redhead kissed her back. Since then, they were inseparable.

Months passed the two girls are okay with going out in public as girlfriends. Everybody knew Beca was gay but was surprised that Chloe was into girls as well. Sure she had a couple boyfriends in high school but those relationships did not last long. They were all for her money.
The two girls just ignored the world around them especially Chloe but Beca can't help but to feel insecure. She recently learned about Chloe's family and how her past relationships ended up in a bad note because Chloe learned they were just using her for money.
Beca tried to hide her insecurities from Chloe until one day.

Beca and Chloe went to the cafè inside the campus for lunch. They entered the building holding hands and lined up to order their food.
Chloe was busy deciding what to get but Beca can't help but to hear a group of students talk about them.

"I bet she's only dating Chloe for her money." A blonde girl said to her friend.
"I heard she's only here because of a scholarship she got" the other blonde said.
"She's probably Chloe's charity case you know" one of the guys said.
"Chloe's really hot. Damn. I'd bang her" a brunette said which Beca recognized. It was Tom. She had class with him before and oh what a douche.

Beca balled up her fists trying to ignore them but when Tom spoke up, she just lost it. She went over to the table.
"Ugh. Can I help you?" Tom asked as he looked up at the brunette.
"Yeah. Can you not talk about my girlfriend like that?" Beca calmly asked.
"Your girlfriend huh?" Tom said as she took a glance at Chloe who's staring at the two, worry covering her face.
Beca saw how Tom would look at Chloe so without thinking, she punched Tom straight to the face making the taller brunette fall off from his chair.

"Beca!" Chloe gasped as she grabbed Beca's arm and began to pull her away from the table.
"Get back here you bitch!" Tom yelled as he stood up. He rushed over to the two girls but Chloe stopped him.
"Tom. Stop it. Get over with it!" Chloe said as she gave Tom a glare.
This was one of the reasons Chloe was known for. She can radiate power over somebody and they will tremble suddenly.
Tom stared at her, his hand over his cheek where Beca hit him.
"I should've fucked you when I had a chance" he puffed.
Suddenly, a fist came hitting him on his other cheek sending him to the floor. He looked up and saw the small brunette standing over him, blood coming out of his nose.

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