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Beca has been called a lot of different names but being jealous and obsessed is new to her. Usually, she wouldn't mind if people steal glances or check her fianceè out. She's used to it really. Having Chloe Beale as her future wife has its perks and there will always be a downside to it. 

Chloe Beale is one of the most famous actresses/singers/dancers in the world and it just so happened that Beca had the chance to work with her almost ten years ago. Beca was a rising DJ/music producer back then when her boss introduced her to Chloe. Back then, Chloe was starring in a musical movie and Beca's label had the chance to record and produce all the soundtracks of the movie. 
Thankfully, due to late-night recordings,  Beca and Chloe became really close. They started as friends, then Beca found herself falling for the redhead. She tried to confess during one of their one-on-one recordings but Chloe was talking about her other male co-star and how they were flirting with each other. Of course, Beca didn't proceed as planned in confessing.  Beca stayed as the friend who was always there for Chloe. 
It took three years for Chloe to realize that she's in love with Beca. Every single relationship she had, she always compares the guy or the girl to Beca. 

It was the day after Chloe's birthday party when Beca took her out for dinner. It was their thing now that each took the other out to celebrate their birthdays without the stress of entertaining people or whatnot. Just two people, having dinner. 
Beca gave Chloe a necklace and it came with a letter confessing Beca's love for her. Tears fell and Beca got worried that she immediately said sorry and took back what she wrote in the letter thinking she might lose Chloe. Instead, Chloe grabbed Beca and lead her to the balcony of the restaurant, and kissed her under the light of the moon. 

They began dating and the rest was history until Beca proposed to Chloe after almost seven years of being together. 

This brings us to the present day. 

It was Chloe's birthday party and it was in a high-end club in downtown Los Angeles. It was hosted by Chloe's management and there were a lot of celebrities that were invited. Beca's label and its artists are some of the guests invited. 

Beca was at the bar minding herself and watching her fianceè from afar. The thing with Chloe was she liked people. She liked talking to them, entertaining them, making sure they were having fun while Beca was the complete opposite. She would rather stay home and do their thing but Chloe promised her earth-shattering sex afterwards so here she was, trying her best to be the perfect fianceè. 

Until she saw one of Chloe's old co-star slid her arm around her waist and pulled Chloe so close to her. And to top it off, Chloe was not doing anything to get out of that situation. It seemed that she did not mind her co-star pulling her like that.  She was laughing about something her co-star said. She leaned into Chloe and whispered something which made Chloe hit her and laugh again. 

Beca's eyes widened and everything turned red. 
She wasn't one to make a scene so she gulped her rum and coke and went into the DJ booth and since she knew the DJ, she asked if she can play some which the DJ completely let her do it. He needed a break anyway so she let the celebrity DJ do her thing. 

At first, Beca played her usual set, but then she started to mix things up and let Chloe know she sees her. She played her mix of Titanium which both she and Chloe know was their go-to song when they're doing something. She noticed Chloe staring at her. Chloe knew something was up because Beca was at the booth but she brushed it off being under the influence of alcohol. Her co-star invited her to dance and they moved to the middle of the dancefloor where Beca can really see the both of them. 

Beca made a face and Chloe saw it. She now knows that Beca was getting jealous. Being the tease she was, Chloe continued to dance with her co-star. She was awfully close to her and Beca knew she had to do something. After her Titanium mix, she decided to play her Jealous mix to let Chloe know.  Chloe noticed the song change and was testing Beca if she was going to do something so she started to grind on to her co-star.
After seeing Chloe grind against the other woman, that made Beca so furious that she walked out of the booth. She needed to get out of there. She did not want to make a scene because it was Chloe's party. She did not want the tabloids and magazines to label her as a possessive fianceè. She felt her chest tighten so she went to the rooftop patio. It was closed off but she knew the owner of the club and there were no guards at the door to the rooftop. 

She walked over to the edge and screamed her heart out. She didn't care if people hear her. 
She didnt like the feeling of being jealous at all. It was not her. She hated it. 

It was probably a good twenty minutes when Beca heard the door open. Just by hearing the heels hit the wooden floors of the roof deck, she knew it was her fianceè. 

"I was wondering where you've been," Chloe said as she wrapped her arms around Beca. The brunette did not turn around. She continued to stare into the dark LA skyline. She remained quiet. 

"Babe. What's wrong?" Chloe asked, removing her arms around Beca and leaned her back against the railing. 

"Nothing. I needed some air" Beca said. 

Knowing Beca all too well, Chloe knew she pushed her limit. She knew she was way out of the line. 

"Becs. I know why you played your Titanium and Jealous mix" Chloe said. 
"I knew what I was doing all along. I wanted to tease you and see if you're going to do something" she confessed. 

Beca's breathing became loud. She can't take the image of Chloe grinding on some other woman. It was supposed to be just her. Chloe's hers. 

Without any warning, Beca pushed Chloe into a nearby chair and straddled her. She began to kiss her deeply and roughly. 

Chloe was surprised to see this new side of Beca. Never in the many years, they have been together that Beca showed her possessive side. Not even in the bedroom. 
Chloe tried to take over but Beca was not having it. With all her strength, she managed to have Chloe stay seated. 
She began to kiss the redhead's neck. She would bite, lick and kiss. She was leaving marks on purpose and Chloe was getting really turned on. 

When Beca was satisfied with her work of art, she pulled her phone and opened the front camera to show Chloe what she had done. 

Chloe's eyes widened and she gasped. 
Beca took her phone back to her pocket and kissed her fianceè once again. 
Breaking the kiss, her lips made their way to Chloe's ear. 

"You're mine, Chloe.." Beca whispered which gave Chloe chills. 
"Remember it. No one can have you except me. Got it?" she followed through. 

Chloe was so turned on that she only managed to nod. 
"Good girl.. Now, let's go back inside. Your guests must have been looking for you.." Beca said. 
She held her hand out for Chloe to get up from the chair. 
Chloe took a deep breath and managed to get herself together. 

Going down the stairs, Chloe pulled Beca into her before going inside. 

"You should always let the green-eyed monster out, babe. I like your possessive side.." Chloe said and gave Beca a kiss. 

"I don't usually get jealous, Chlo. I'm not like this.." Beca confessed. 

"I know. That's why its a turn on for me now.. I like it.." Chloe said.

"yeah, whatever. Let's go and you have to finish talking to your guests and do your speech. I want to go home and have fulfill the promise you made me.." Beca said, raising two eyebrows twice. 

"Promise me I'll get to see possessive Beca again when we get home.." Chloe pouted. 

"We'll see Beale..." Beca said as she opened the door into the club and gave Chloe a wink. 

"I better do my speech fast..." Chloe thought and followed Beca inside. 


A/N: Just a short one shot :) 

Jealous by Nick Jonas 

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