One Large Soda...with Two Straws

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     I was sitting in my bed with my laptop. It was about an hour after Joe had dropped me off. Now, I has not planned on sleeping anytime soon after he dropped me off and I know we said "goodnight" to each other, but I figure that's just what you do when it's dark. I mean, I doubted he was asleep either. SO much of this that may seem so small is SO new to me.  I was looking up some things when my phone buzzed beside me. I automatically knew it was Joe.


Hey, I should have asked in person since it would be our first but do you want to go on a date tomorrow?

     My heart stopped. My first date with my first boyfriend? Nobody except for, well, myself knew that Joe was my first boyfriend ever. I'm sure he's had plenty of girlfriends before me.


I would love to :) What should we do?


Well one of the local theaters shows old movies every Friday and tomorrow they're showing 'It's a Wonderful Life'. Have you ever seen it?


Don't think so...


It's an old Christmas film. They're mostly showing old Christmas movies because the day after Thanksgiving is basically when the Christmas season starts here in America lol. But anyways it's my favorite film of all time and I'd love for you to get to see it. <3

     That was the first heart Joe had ever sent me.


I'd love to see it...on one condition.


lol what's the condition?


We get ONE large popcorn and ONE large soda and we share  ;)


Ooh well I like that condition. your wish is my command then haha. The showing is at 6:45 p.m. Now get a little sleep.


Joe it's barely past 10


I know but I just figured after what happened to you earlier in the day and everything else you had to do... I know it wasn't easy. You probably need a good night's rest is all I was thinking.


Alright, I'll try to sleep.


Okay good. Goodnight <3


Goodnight <3

     Now I just sent my first heart. Wow. This is a new world for me, truly. Should I have asked him to share the popcorn and soda? Was it too soon for that? I've just always seen it on t.v. and it's always shown as what couples just do when they go to the movies. I was trying to show him I could be...romantic. I could just be overreacting. It may not even be a big deal.

     It was Friday afternoon and Joe would be coming to pick me up in a while for our first date. I really didn't know what to wear on a date but I figured since it was the movies, it was casual, so I just wore one of the outfits Lucy got me. I always made sure I was warm. Upstate New York is extremely cold. In addition to the outfits, Lucy later picked up extra gloves, tights and another scarf for me and brought them to school in a bag. I ended up finding a pair of leggings that were lined with fleece that were on mega sale. I convinced Marco to buy them for me when we were out once. The leggings are almost as thin as the tights and fit under all my pants. I decided to wear the outfit with the jeans, light blue shirt, big beige coat, and blue and pink scarf. I was brushing my hair when Marco said he wanted to talk to me. I found that strange.

In Need of a Friend - A Joe Mazzello Fanfic (High School)Where stories live. Discover now