"Yes, I have, I spent weeks choreographing this shit and not one of them can get through it!"

"So take over"

"Take over what?"

"The dance.. do it yourself."

"It's a group number."

"Then cut the fucking dance, you're minutes away from blowing your lid over this thing, just take it out. Make it something easy. Use this for something else"

"I have nothing else to put this toward, I don't know if you've noticed, but these musicals are all I have to do"

"Then find something else"

"There is nothing else! What else am I supposed to do? Am I going to just go on over to New York and stop random people on the street until one of them can give me a job?"

"You can get a blowjob very cheap that way if that's what you mean"

"This is the only opportunity I have to do this. East Indiana isn't exactly a hotspot for culture and arts, these shows are the only outlet I have for these talents, I just wish any one of these fucking delinquents would take it seriously enough to learn what they're supposed to be doing"

"What are you so pissed about? It's just a dance in a school play, you need to chill out"

"That's not in my nature"

"Right, I forgot, all you know how to do is whine and bitch"

"Kevin, you're really one to talk"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! All you do is bitch and complain about how annoying I am, how much you don't wanna be here, you're a prick, it keeps slipping my mind"

"I'm the prick?"

"Yes, you're a prick!"

"You're a pansy, I don't see how you can have any right to call me that"

"Better a pansy than a prick"

"Better a prick than a fag" I stepped closer to him, getting in his face

"Better a fag than an insecure try-hard" he didn't back down

I pushed his back against the wall by his shoulder, staring him down. He just had that cocky little smirk on his face.

"Take it back"

"Make me."

"Take it back, Limp-wrist"

"You are so pathetic"

We were only inches apart

"You're pathetic! You're an arrogant little cocksucker, you think you're so much better than everyone else, let me tell you I'd like to slap that snarky fucking grin right off your face"

Before I even had time to react, his impulses took over. The next thing I knew, his lips were forcefully on mine. I froze. I didn't even have time to process any of it.
My stomach was in knots. I couldn't even bring myself to push him off, I was in such a state of shock.

It was only six or seven seconds, but it somehow felt like both an eternity, and as if it was over in a flash. When he came to his senses and stopped, his hand was still on my arm. His eyes were wide with alarm, I can only imagine what mine were like. I could only see him in my peripheral, I refused to actually look at him. I just stared, fixated on the wall behind him as I tried to grapple with what had just happened. I was having difficulty processing it.

After a few moments, I quickly turned around and started for the door

"I'm sorry... Kevin, I'm so sorry" he said almost with a whisper

I kept walking, completely disregarding that I was leaving behind all of my belongings that weren't directly on my person. I wasn't going to waste any time getting out of there

"Kevin, wait, I'm sorry-"

I didn't stop until I was in the car. I locked all my doors for a sense of personal security, before slamming my hand down on the wheel. I laid my head down in the center, taking a deep breath, before I sped out of the parking lot. I went straight back to Veronica's house. I knocked on the door quickly, and it was opened within thirty seconds.

"Kevin.. hey, what are you doing here?"

"Veronica.. are your parents home?"



I kissed her. It was fast and forceful, but she reciprocated readily despite her confusion. As long as she was reciprocating, I was happy.
I didn't even want to have sex with her. I was just fired up, and I wanted to forget that. I'm not gay, I'm not letting him do this to me.

"Kevin, what.. what are you doing here?" She asked in between brief kisses

"You don't want me here?"

"No, No, I do, I'm just confused"

"Then does it matter? I'm here.."



I tried to forget it. I tried so hard. But as much as I kissed Veronica, I still couldn't get the feeling of his lips off of mine. The bastard.


I continued to stare up at the ceiling.


"..Yeah?" I didn't blink

"Are you okay?"

"..... I need to go"


"I need to go"

".. will I see you again?"

"Yes" I lied "yes, I-I just need to go."

I checked my phone when i got in the car. I had five missed calls and six text messages, all from Connor.

You want to hear something embarrassing? I didn't even take my shirt off. I didn't want her to see all the medical equipment. I didn't want anyone to see it. She tried to take my shirt off, she asked me to several times. But I couldn't. I just pushed her hand away from my shirt and told her no. So much for impulsive sex, I was too scared to even go through with it.

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